Chapter 3 Sister-in-law, don't mess around, I'm not a fool anymore!



After about ten seconds of complete silence, the crowd took in a sharp breath, and then suddenly, like a pot exploding, they began to buzz.

"Holy shit! This is a sight I've never seen before—seven sisters-in-law entering the Ye Family Courtyard at the same time, all marrying that idiot Ye Fan?"

"Damn! Have all these beauties lost their minds? Everyone from the Ye Family has died in battle, and this is the best time to cut ties with the Ye Family!"

"Exactly! Any one of those seven is stunningly beautiful, a true gem among women, yet they're marrying that idiot Ye Fan together? How are we supposed to live with this?"

"What courage! They actually didn't abandon the Ye Family at this time and brought honor to the Ye Family!"

"Not necessarily! I don't think it's that simple. Their public declaration is probably just to save some face for the Ye Family. Let's wait and see how things unfold!"

Those who were about to leave quietly retracted their steps at the unexpected turn of events and quietly slipped back into the courtyard.

The actions of the seven stunning sisters-in-law were like a massive rock thrown into a lake, causing towering waves to splash.

Xuan Yufei suddenly looked up, her piercing gaze attempting to see through the souls of Yu Linglong and the others.

She couldn't fathom what was going through the minds of these extraordinary girls.

Everyone was trying to sever ties with the Ye Family, yet they were going against the current, firmly binding themselves to the Ye Family?

Seeing Yu Linglong and the others step forward and place their seven hands on Ye Fan's hand, Xuan Yufei felt an emptiness in her heart as if she had lost something very important.

Ye Changfeng tightly held Yu Linglong's hand, his voice choked with emotion, "Linglong, Yan Qiu... Thank you... Thank you..."

Regardless of their true intention, the fact that Yu Linglong and the others stood up at this critical moment to make their decision, at least salvaged the reputation of the Ye Family and made things less difficult for Ye Changfeng.

Yu Linglong sincerely looked at Ye Changfeng, "Grandfather, I'm still your eldest granddaughter-in-law, it's just that the person I'm marrying is different. Leave the rest to me!"

She paused, then turned to look at Xuan Yufei with sharp eyes.

"Xuan Yufei, I hereby declare as Ye Fan's wife, your engagement with Ye Fan is nullified as of this moment!"


The domineering words exploded from Yu Linglong's mouth, accompanied by the rolling aura of murderous intent emanating from her!

Everyone present felt the hair on their necks stand up!

"Shit! Why do I feel like the temperature just dropped several degrees instantly?"

"No wonder she's Great Xia's Number One Valkyrie, her aura suppresses everyone… If Ye Fan were still the monstrous genius he used to be, the two of them would indeed make a perfect match!"

"Let's just wait and see. Maybe Ye Fan will wake up one day and recover?"

The atmosphere at the scene started to shift following the declaration made by Yu Linglong and the others.

The Ye Family's seven stunning brides-to-be fiercely defended their husband, giving people a glimpse of hope, and most felt relief for Old Master Ye.

However, within the crowd, Young Master Zhao, Zhao Tianlong, had a face as dark as thunder.

"What the hell?! Dammit! I've had my eye on Su Yixue for so long. I thought after the Ye Family was wiped out, I would have my chance, but now…" Zhao Tianlong clenched his fist in anger, "Is Su Yixue's brain damaged? Opting to marry an idiot, and as a sister-in-law at that!"

Beside Zhao Tianlong stood another young man with glasses, also looking displeased.

"Young Master Zhao, calm down! Maybe things aren't as they seem. Perhaps Su Yixue is just joining the others in putting on a facade! They can't possibly all really marry Ye Fan… If they do, it will be troublesome for my father to take complete control of the Ye Corporation, and we won't agree to that!"

The young man with glasses was none other than Xu Jian's son, Xu Dong. The near-annihilation of the Ye Family was a reason for them to be most delighted, as they could openly and rightfully seize the Ye Corporation with no successors in the Ye Family remaining.

But the sudden decision made by Yu Linglong and the others disrupted their rhythm.

"That makes sense! Humph! If Su Yixue dares to get intimate with Ye Fan, I'll kill that idiot in a minute!" Zhao Tianlong snorted coldly. In his eyes, killing Ye Fan was as easy as crushing an ant. "Right, Young Master Xu! Tonight, my Zhao Family is hosting a business banquet, and the bigwigs from the Xia Family of Provincial City will also be arriving. Perhaps Young Master Xu might find an opportunity for cooperation!"

The entire scene was in an uproar, but the central figure, Ye Fan, was surrounded by seven gorgeous sisters-in-law, looking seemingly clueless and calm.

But in reality, his heart was already churning with giant waves.

Holy crap!

I've just woken up, and now I'm inheriting several beautiful sisters-in-law from my brothers?

Sisters-in-law, don't mess around, I'm not an idiot anymore!

However, Ye Fan also knew that with the seven sisters-in-law declaring in front of so many people that they would marry him, no matter whether everyone believed it or not, the enemies targeting the Ye Family would likely choose to believe it.

If Yu Linglong and the others hadn't made their decision public, the enemies of the Ye Family might not have made their move against them.


But when they actually announced their intention to marry Ye Fan, those enemies seeking to suppress the Ye Family would certainly not let any of them go.

Since they had initiated a campaign to completely eradicate the Ye Family, they would never give them a chance to rise again. Any intimate power that might help the Ye Family regain its prominence would be eliminated.

In such a situation, Ye Fan probably couldn't refuse even if he wanted to.


Ye Fan sighed deeply, a trace of depth flashing in his eyes. Whether it was to protect the memory of his seven deceased brothers or to consider his own future, he had to become stronger as quickly as possible. He had to bring the Ye Family back to its glorious peak.

Only when he was strong enough could he seek vengeance for the massacre and protect his seven stunning sisters-in-law!

"The funeral procession begins!" the resonant voice of Grandfather Ye Changfeng brought Ye Fan's thoughts back to the present.

At this moment, Ye Changfeng's emotions were also influenced by Yu Linglong; his voice was loud and clear, and the gloom in his eyes was swept away.

All the teams in the courtyard started moving, escorting the ten loyal martyrs of the Ye Family to the Cloud City Cemetery!

Outside the Ye Family Courtyard, Xuan Zhengguo and Xuan Yufei had already left ahead of everyone else.

Seeing the low spirits of Xuan Yufei, Xuan Zhengguo consoled her with weighty words, "Princess Yu, your uncle knows how close you were to Ye Fan, but you also know the current situation. There's no hope for the Ye Family now! The Xuan Family cannot go down with them!"

"Although Yu Linglong and the others have declared their intent to marry Ye Fan, do you really think that's possible? It's just to save face for the Ye Family!"

"By the way, there's a business banquet tonight organized by Young Master Zhao. It's said that a big shot from the Provincial City has come to Cloud City to discuss investments. Young Master Li had called me earlier to invite you; why don't you give him a call now?"

Young Master Li, mentioned by Xuan Zhengguo, was none other than Li Yunyang, the eldest son of another powerful family in Cloud City, the Li Family.

The fall of the Ye Family was an opportunity for Xuan Zhengguo to find another powerful ally for the Xuan Family.

Xuan Yufei, looking exhausted, shook her head faintly and said, "No need, uncle. I'm a bit tired. I'll go back and rest for a while, and I'll attend the business banquet on my own later in the evening."

Having said that, Xuan Yufei sadly got into her car and drove away from the scene.

Watching her retreating figure, Xuan Zhengguo couldn't help but shake his head, "Alas, Yufei, you're still too young. For the sake of the Xuan Family, your uncle has no choice but to do this!"

At the Cloud City Cemetery, after all the guests had left, Ye Changfeng finally let out a deep sigh, "Linglong, Yan Qiu… Yixue, thank you all for today!"

The Xuan Family's sudden withdrawal from the marriage at the funeral had almost caused the last bit of dignity for the Ye Family to be lost. Thankfully, the presence of the seven granddaughters-in-law helped salvage some face for the family.

"Now that the funeral of my seven grandsons is over, you all can leave as well, sigh," said Ye Changfeng, still believing that the earlier decision announced by Yu Linglong and the others was insincere.

Yu Linglong and Su Yixue stood their ground, not moving, and Su Yixue stepped forward to speak to Ye Changfeng, "Grandfather! When we said we wanted to marry Ye Fan, we were not joking! Though Ling Tian and the others have died for the country, the Ye Family's lineage cannot end here. We are willing to bear children for the Ye Family to continue the bloodline!"

"What?" Ye Changfeng looked at Su Yixue and the others, his gaze sweeping across the faces of the seven girls. Seeing their serious expressions, he was somewhat stunned, "Why go through such hardship? What for?"

Yu Linglong stepped forward and respectfully spoke to Ye Changfeng, "Grandfather! In life, we belong to the Ye Family; in death, we are the Ye Family's spirits... Those people plotted against the Ye Family so viciously, we cannot let this go unresolved! The seven of us sisters have discussed it; each one of us will take turns accompanying Ye Fan for a month. We are determined to preserve the Ye Family's lineage and make those responsible pay!"


Ye Fan, standing behind Ye Changfeng, nearly spat out a mouthful of blood upon hearing Yu Linglong's words.

This… the seven sisters-in-law intend to be serious?

Each one to accompany him for a month?

What do they think he is?

A seeding machine?

Noticing the change in Ye Fan's mood, Yu Linglong abruptly turned her head, her piercing gaze fixed on him, confusion evident in her expression.

Seeing that Ye Fan still wore a bewildered look, Yu Linglong's eyebrows slightly furrowed. Perhaps it was her own misperception?

A moment ago, Yu Linglong thought she felt a strong fluctuation in Ye Fan's aura.

If Ye Fan was still a fool, it was quite unlikely that he could mobilize such fluctuations of his aura, right?

After hesitating for a few seconds, Yu Linglong moved two steps closer, her gaze fixed on Ye Fan as she spoke, "Ye Fan, I don't know if you can understand my words right now, but do not forget—you were once Great Xia's Number One genius, and you once stood on the peak. Surely you can do it again!"

"Us seven innocent girls have decided to marry you; from this moment on, we are your wives! Our fates are now tied to yours, for better or for worse... If you have even the slightest clarity of consciousness, then quickly pull yourself together, protect the Ye Family, and avenge your uncles and brothers!"

"Furthermore, regardless of whether you're truly a fool or just pretending, we seven have chosen you. If you dare betray any one of us, I swear I will chase you to the ends of the earth with a knife in hand!"