Chapter 12 The Extinction of the Zhao Family


Zhao Dechang knew he had no choice but to nod in forced agreement.

Ye Fan removed the gag from Zhao Dechang's mouth, and Zhao Dechang, enduring the severe pain in his arm, asked despairingly, "Tianlong must have died at your hands, right?"

Even though he had guessed the answer, Zhao Dechang still wanted confirmation.

"What do you think? Five years ago, you tried to run me over with a car. Today, you still wanted to kill me. Should I keep someone like that around for the holidays?" Ye Fan responded coldly. He was never merciful to those who sought his life.

To be merciful to enemies is to be cruel to oneself.

Zhao Dechang closed his eyes in pain; indeed!

What a pity! After Ye Fan became a fool five years ago, they should not have gone soft; they should have finished him off. Now, the Zhao Family had met its end at Ye Fan's hands.

"Ask away!" Knowing his death was inevitable, Zhao Dechang felt a sense of resignation.

Since his death was certain, let Ye Fan battle it out with those behind him. It would surely be a spectacular fight.

"In Cloud City, other than the Wang and Li Families, who else is a vassal to the Liu Family from the Provincial City?" The question from Ye Fan instantly stupefied Zhao Dechang. Had Ye Fan already investigated the forces behind him so thoroughly?

Whoever called Ye Fan a fool, was the biggest fool himself!

Ye Fan had feigned foolishness for five years, concealing his prowess!

If still, he was silent; once he made his move, it was the nightmare of his enemies.

"The vassal families of the Liu Family in Cloud City are indeed just the Wang and Li Families! But besides them, the Liu Family has other masters in Cloud City, always monitoring the Ye Family's movements. However, I also don't know where those people usually hide," said Zhao Dechang, pausing before he continued, "I regret not killing you five years ago, but I must tell you, you can't defeat them..."

Ye Fan ignored Zhao Dechang, continuing to inquire, "Who is the big shot family behind the Liu Family from the Provincial City, in the Capital? How much do you know?"

Zhao Dechang shook his head, "We have very limited information about the heavy hitters from the Capital! The only time I met a representative from the Capital, he was wearing a mask, but everyone calls him Young Master Zhou... I don't know exactly who he is... But their power is terrifying, they could even easily decide the Governor of Cloud City's appointment..."

"But I know that in addition to the Ye Family being too powerful, they seem to be searching for something!"

Ye Fan continued to question Zhao Dechang but didn't extract much of value.

With a flow of Qi Force through his body, Zhao Dechang turned into a cloud of dust under the impact, drifting out the window and scattering in the wind.

The next moment, Ye Fan transformed into a spectral figure and disappeared from the Zhao Family Courtyard.

It seems that to understand the true extent of the power behind the Liu Family from the Provincial City, he would need to investigate at the Liu Family's doorstep in the Provincial City.

After Ye Fan left, several major incidents occurred in Cloud City in a short period of time!

Zhao Dechang's brother and his family, while driving home, were involved in a tragic accident that sent their car plunging into the Yunsha River, their fate unknown!

Another core member of the Zhao Family fell to his death from the eighteenth floor after attending a meeting.

Shortly thereafter, news of the disappearance of Zhao Dechang and his son started to spread wildly throughout Cloud City.

In the Ye Family Courtyard in Cloud City!

Ye Changfeng, listening to the news reported by Guard Captain Leng Feng, frowned deeply, "Has the Zhao Family been virtually annihilated overnight?"


Zhao Dechang, his brother, and other core members had all suddenly disappeared and died; this was clearly not a normal occurrence.

"Yes!" Leng Feng answered and continued, "According to our intelligence, Zhao Tianlong intended to ambush Young Master Ye at the banquet but ended up shooting himself in the foot, being played instead... Moreover, our intelligence has also uncovered that five years ago, when Young Master Ye had a car accident, the Zhao Family's shadow was behind it, but now the clues have been severed..."

Ye Changfeng also roughly knew about the car accident Ye Fan had five years ago.

Although according to the accident assessment at that time, the driver who hit the person did so because he had been drinking, leading to the accident, and he was sent to jail, Ye Changfeng naturally did not believe it was all just a coincidence.

But every time the Ye Family exerted its power to investigate, they would face interference from a mysterious force, forcing them to halt at critical junctures.

And now, suddenly, there was a clue—the Zhao Family had been completely wiped out.

Could this be another coincidence?

"To clean up the Zhao Family so thoroughly in such a short time, one must be at least in the Grandmaster Realm! Since when did such a Grandmaster appear in Cloud City?" Ye Changfeng murmured to himself as he looked at the information Leng Feng handed to him.

"What about that kid Ye Fan? Where is he now?" Ye Changfeng suddenly thought of Ye Fan. Five years ago, Ye Fan was already a Grandmaster.

Could it be that Ye Fan has come to his senses and acted against the Zhao Family?

"Young Master Ye has been brought home by Miss Su; he's staying at home with our people guarding and protecting the area around! The young master has never left Miss Su's residence!" Leng Feng confidently responded.

The guards around Su Yixue were Leng Feng's trusted subordinates, all of whom were in the Martial Arts Control Realm.

"Oh!" Ye Changfeng let out a long sigh, somewhat disappointed, "Pay more attention to Su Corporation! Those bastards who made a move against the Ye Family, their next step will definitely be to suppress Su Corporation and hit the Su Family hard!"

The Su Family girl protected the Ye Family so much, naturally, they couldn't let the Su Family feel disheartened.

Although the Ye Family had suffered heavy losses, as long as this old man was still alive with the support of a million-strong Tianlong Army behind him, he still had the ability to protect the Su Family.

"Yes! Additionally, there's another situation. The head of the Xia Family in Provincial City, Xia Hao, recognized the young master today, saying the young master was the one who saved his life five years ago. Therefore, he went against the majority to choose a cooperation with Su Corporation, which should help alleviate some pressure for Su Corporation!"

"Oh? Xiao Fan's medical skills were so good five years ago that he could save someone's life? How come I didn't know about it?" Ye Changfeng was surprised to find that despite how much Ye Fan had grown, he really knew nothing about his grandson. "That's good news!"

Meanwhile, in the Su Corporation's office, Su Yixue, having just signed a contract with Xia Hao, was spacing out in front of a mirror!

Even though she had made up her mind to marry Ye Fan, to bear children for the Ye Family, the reality of the situation was making Su Yixue nervous... The thought of being bare before Ye Fan made her face turn crimson with shyness!

In the mirror, Su Yixue's figure was stunning with perfect curves, absolutely alluring.

How many sons of Cloud City had their eyes on her, yet tonight, she would belong to Ye Fan!


In Cloud City Royal KTV, Xu Dong and a group of rich young men from Cloud City were singing and dancing, indulging in their desires.

When a song ended, a wealthy young man expressed his doubt, "It's almost midnight, how come Young Master Zhao hasn't arrived?"

They had agreed that after Zhao Tianlong dealt with Ye Fan, they would come here to celebrate.

Yet, they had been waiting for over two hours, and there was still no word from Zhao Tianlong.

Xu Dong also frowned, "I'll give Young Master Zhao a call to check!" But after trying several times, Zhao Tianlong's phone was unreachable.

Having no choice, Xu Dong called another acquaintance from the Zhao Family and the information he received turned his face ashen, "Young Master Xu, I'm afraid Young Master Zhao won't be able to make it! Zhao Dechang and Zhao Tianlong have both disappeared, and all core disciples of the Zhao Family have perished within the last hour... The Zhao Family has been destroyed..."