Chapter 10 Ye Fan Lets Me Slaughter You Guys!

Ye Fan, who had entered the park, quickly kneaded his face a few times!

Under the dim street lamps, Ye Fan's appearance had changed in the blink of an eye. Now, even his own mother would not recognize him.

After all was done, Ye Fan quietly stayed behind an abandoned flower bed, waiting for Zhao Tianlong and his men.

In less than a minute, Zhao Tianlong, leading over a dozen bodyguards with flashlights, rushed in, scanned left and right, and spotted Ye Fan standing behind the flower bed.

But at this point, Ye Fan no longer looked the same, and Zhao Tianlong, even standing right in front of him, did not recognize him.

"Did you see a young man come in from outside just now?" Zhao Tianlong sized up Ye Fan, sensing something familiar about the clothes Ye Fan wore.

Ye Fan smiled faintly, "Oh! I just saw him, a young lad, hurriedly headed that way, behind that rockery!" Ye Fan casually pointed towards the flower bed.

"Move out! Let's encircle from both sides. Today, we must not let Ye Fan leave this place alive. And when we go out, by the way, take Su Yixue with us. I need to vent my anger today!"

Zhao Tianlong signaled his subordinates and quickly charged toward the rockery without noticing Ye Fan's expression had turned extremely grim.

Ye Fan had clearly seen the man with the scar on his face who had hit him with a car five years ago was right beside Zhao Tianlong.

Five years ago, since they dared to create a car accident to murder him, and today, they again wanted to harm him and desecrate Su Yixue!

Then... they should not blame me for not being polite!

A hint of ruthlessness appeared in Ye Fan's eyes as he followed in the direction Zhao Tianlong and his men had gone.

Zhao Tianlong and his men searched the overgrown weeds behind the rockery for a long time but did not find Ye Fan, "Damn it! Was that guy deceiving us?"

Heat rose in Zhao Tianlong's heart, "Damn it! In such a small area, where could that bastard Ye Fan have run off to? It's like he vanished!"

Zhao Tianlong finished speaking and as he was about to turn around, he suddenly saw the lad who had given him directions earlier—naturally, it was Ye Fan.

"Shit! Are you looking to die... Damnit, didn't you say that guy came this way? Where did he go?" Zhao Tianlong grabbed Ye Fan by the neck and scolded coldly, "If you lied to me, today I'll chop you up and feed you to the dogs."

Ye Fan's facial muscles twitched twice, and he stared coldly at Zhao Tianlong, "That person did come! However, when he came over, he said something to me!"

Ye Fan's words made Zhao Tianlong and his men somewhat baffled.

What could Ye Fan, an idiot, possibly say to anyone?

"What did he say to you?" Zhao Tianlong released Ye Fan and stared intently at him.

Ye Fan spoke indifferently, "He said there were bad people chasing him, and he wanted me to slaughter you all!"

That sentence instantly made everyone present tense up, "You... what do you mean?"

After sensing the raging murderous intent emanating from Ye Fan, Zhao Tianlong realized something was amiss and signaled everyone to run.

But it was already too late!

Ye Fan's silhouette, like a specter, charged into the crowd!

Thump thump thump!

In the crowd, a series of muffled sounds erupted from fists colliding with bodies. In just a few seconds, dozens of people at the scene, except for Zhao Tianlong and the man with the scar, had all fallen, motionless!

The other bodyguards, who had followed Zhao Tianlong, though not good people themselves, had not directly participated in the assassination attempt on Ye Fan. So Ye Fan merely disabled their foundations, causing them to faint, and they might have to spend the latter half of their lives in bed, but he still spared their lives.

However, for Zhao Tianlong and the man with the scar, from the moment they entered the woods, Ye Fan had already declared their death sentence!

"It means I'm going to kill you!" Ye Fan spoke emotionlessly, kneaded his face twice, "They're all quiet now. It's much easier for us to talk!"

When Ye Fan reverted to his true appearance, Zhao Tianlong and the scar-faced man were utterly stunned!

"Ah... you... you are Ye Fan? You... you're not idiotic? You were feigning it? Holy shit..." Zhao Tianlong glanced at the bodyguards lying on the ground, his pupils dilating in shock as his eyeballs nearly popped out.

Now, looking back at the banquet, why did Ye Fan make him drink the toilet-cleansing water?

Everything made sense now!

Before the car accident five years ago, Ye Fan was already a demonic genius at the grandmaster level. So, to what realm had Ye Fan's strength reached during the five years he had pretended to be a fool?

Zhao Tianlong was dazed and frightened, his legs shaking uncontrollably; his heart sank into an abyss.

Since Ye Fan had been pretending to be a fool, he must surely remember everything about the incident five years ago.

"I'll give you a chance. Speak! Why did you orchestrate a car accident to kill me five years ago?" Ye Fan patted his hands, leaning casually against the railing, his eyes intently on Zhao Tianlong.

Ye Fan was terrifying, and Zhao Tianlong knew it; he didn't even have the courage to flee.


The scar-faced man beside him, terrified, directly knelt before Ye Fan, "Young Master Ye, spare my life, I was wrong! At that time, it was all Young Master Zhao who ordered me, I was wrong, please spare my life!"

Ye Fan didn't even glance at the scar-faced man. A powerful Qi Force surged from his hand, instantly blasting the man into dust that dissipated with the wind, then settling into the flowing stream in the park, disappearing without a trace.

This was also one of the functions of the Inheritance within Ye Fan's body.

When Ye Fan activated his Martial Arts Qi along with the Inheritance, his Martial Arts Qi seemed to possess fire properties, capable of turning targets into dust, leaving no trace whatsoever.

However, such a bizarre scene left Zhao Tianlong dumbfounded, on the brink of collapse, "Ah... Young Master Ye, I was wrong! It really wasn't me who wanted to kill you, it was... It was the big shot from the Provincial City who assigned people from the Liu Family to force me... Young Master Ye, can you spare my dog life? From now on, I will obediently follow your orders..."

Zhao Tianlong also couldn't help but kneel down, constantly kowtowing to Ye Fan.

In Zhao Tianlong's eyes, Ye Fan was just too terrifying.

A car accident five years ago, and Ye Fan had been pretending to be a fool for five years?

Zhao Tianlong also vaguely knew that the trouble with the Ye Family this time must have been instigated by a bigwig from the Capital, who decimated the Ye Family, yet somehow missed this fool, Ye Fan.

But what they didn't know was that Ye Fan, this "fool," was indeed the most terrifying existence in the Ye Family.

If he returned alive, he would have to convey this news at the first opportunity.

If Ye Fan was left alive, no one would have good days ahead.

"Who is the bigwig from the Capital?" Ye Fan's facial muscles twitched. He knew of the Liu Family from Provincial City; Elder Master Liu was once the most loyal subordinate of his grandfather. Ye Fan had not expected that the Liu Family would turn out to be one of his assassins.

When the situation in Cloud City had settled somewhat, he would have to settle accounts with the Liu Family!

"Young Master Ye, I really don't know anything about the Capital, I only know about Cloud City. Our Zhao Family, the Wang Family, and another Li Family, we all serve the bigwig from the Capital. We usually follow orders from the Liu Family of Provincial City! Young Master Ye, can you not kill me? I promise not to say a word out!"

At that moment, Zhao Tianlong was in extreme distress, lying on the ground like a dog, wagging his tail non-stop.

"If only you knew the consequences, why did you do it in the first place?" Ye Fan felt no mercy, his Qi instantly crushing Zhao Tianlong into dust, which also fell into the river.

Only dead men tell no tales!

Just as he finished, Su Yixue's voice suddenly came from outside the woods, "Xiao Fan, are you okay? Why have you been gone for so long?"

Her voice trembling, it seemed she was using the light from her phone to search her way inside...