Chapter 19 My Hero Came on a Rainbow Cloud!

"What the hell are you doing?"

As the local thugs were somewhat caught up in the mood of the scene, a brusque reprimand from the entrance of the alley shattered the atmosphere.

A middle-aged man with a wolf head tattooed on his arm, flanked by a group of thugs, quickly marched into the alley.

It was none other than the leader of another major underworld force in Cloud City, Old Wolf Wu.

"Just three men, and all of you just stand there watching, waiting for them to have kids or what?" Old Wolf Wu angrily berated his men, "Top brass said we have to take down Su Yixue today, no matter what, dead or alive. Get on it."

After Old Wolf Wu's shout, he extended his hand to a subordinate beside him and pulled out a battle saber, stepping forward and charging toward Zhao Datou.

Seeing their boss personally entering the fray, where would his men dare to dawdle? They all swarmed forward, shouting, "Kill!"

Zhao Datou, though brave, was unfortunately only with three people.