Chapter 102: Big Brother, Why Do I Feel Like I'm Being Stalked by a Poisonous Snake?

"Lift a finger? Are you out of your mind? Don't you know that lately, families in Cloud City who have moved against the Ye Family have met with bad ends? If you want to die early, don't drag us into it!"

Inside the van, several men in black suits were arguing with each other.

"But the task handed down from above has today as its final deadline, doesn't it? We're supposed to test out Princess Yu's true strength. If we can't complete the task, how will we explain ourselves to the higher-ups?"

"Wait until tonight. That idiot from the Ye Family won't always be with Princess Yu. Once she's alone, that's when we'll make our move! Hurry up and follow them, don't lose track!"

The men whispered among themselves, unaware that Ye Fan in the car ahead could hear their conversation loud and clear.

Ye Fan had invited Xuan Yufei not only out of a soft heart but more importantly, because he had noticed that she was being followed.

It seemed that someone was planning harm against Xuan Yufei!