Chapter 177: I Want to Get Revenge on Him, Do You Dare Sleep with Me?

Flower Capital Hotel, in one of the luxurious private rooms, a group of young elites sat together, excitedly chatting!

"Young Master Qin, you've really gone all out this time, to deal with Qing Shaocheng, you've even thrown your own girlfriend into the mix!" a fat man spoke to the leading Qin Shou, "Aren't you worried that if things turn real, you would be..."

The young elite named He Qiang was one of the families that had betrayed the Ye Family, listed in the records Ye Fan had obtained.

Qin Shou popped a grape into his mouth and smiled wickedly, "How could that be possible? Xiao Yao is in the next room, we have so many people here, plus a Martial Arts master in charge... What can that loser Qing Shaocheng do if he comes? I've already arranged with Xiao Yao that if anything happens, she's to scream loudly! Today, we're going to deal with Qing Shaocheng..."