Chapter 213: The Troublesome Big Fool!

At such a time, isn't killing subordinates who oppose oneself so recklessly the equivalent of giving oneself away?

Originally, some might still have doubted whether what Princess Er Ya said was true or false, or even doubted the authenticity of Princess Er Ya herself!

But with Nanba killing like this, it completely confirmed Nanba's actions.

That means that Nanba did indeed make a move against Princess Er Ya before, becoming a rebel of the Blood Demon Sect!

A complete idiot!

How did such a big fool become the leader of the Blood Demon Division?

"Whoever dares to oppose Leader Nanba, this will be the end! All members of the Blood Demon listen up, the Blood Demon Clan Leader is incompetent and confused, Leader Nanba is already preparing to take over the Blood Demon Division and will definitely lead everyone towards a more glorious future... Support Leader Nanba!"

"Support Leader Nanba!"

"Leader Nanba is mighty!"