Chapter 241: Unleash Ultimate Close Up! This is not a negotiation, it's an order!

"What are you dazing out for? I told you to apologize to Young Master Ye, can't you understand human speech?" Ma Wei stepped forward and kicked Ding Xuan, "You're worse than a dog, putting on airs here. Do you really think you're so remarkable?"

Although it seemed like Ma Wei was scolding Ding Xuan, his words were intended to reflect on Ye Fan.

Ye Fan wasn't a fool, of course, he understood what Ma Wei was saying.

"Forget it, a dog will always be a dog, it can't change its nature of eating shit. Moreover, dogs have one trait, they always look down on others, not realizing that people are actually much stronger than they think. Right, Young Master Ma?"

Ye Fan stared at Ma Wei with a smirk, saying 'dog eyes look down on people', subtly throwing back all of Ma Wei's words.

Ma Wei tried to insult Ye Fan under the guise of the issue with Ding Xuan, whereas Ye Fan, leveraging the dog analogy without raising his voice, left Ma Wei speechless, "Young Master Ye, you..."