Chapter 4: Defying the Dragon!

"Who the hell are you to spout such nonsense here!" Li An was now extremely annoyed; if this matter was not handled well, he could very well lose his job.

This was his territory, and even if the King of Heaven himself showed up today, Li An had no intention of letting Chen Wei off the hook. He had to cripple him to satisfy Zhao Tianyang!

But the moment he looked towards the source of the voice, Li An froze on the spot, as if turned to stone, even forgetting to blink.

The person who had come was none other than Guan Shanyue, the new owner of the Yunding Hotel—the sudden tycoon who had bought the Yunding Hotel for a direct sum of fifty billion!

"Yo, quite the beauty there!" Zhao Tianyang's eyes were filled with desire as he adopted a superior attitude and said to Guan Shanyue, "Girl, I'll give you a million to come to my room. If you perform well, I might consider giving you another million as a reward. How about that?"



No sooner had Zhao Tianyang's words fallen than the next second, Chen Wei's fist came smashing in, hitting him square in the face. With one punch, Zhao was sent flying three or four meters away, his nasal bone snapping and collapsing with a crunch, as blood sprayed out!

In an instant, it seemed as if Chen Wei could see mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Wiping off the bloodstains from his fist, he said coldly, "Dare to covet my senior sister, do you have a death wish?"

These words sounded like a joke, but coming from Chen Wei's mouth, no one dared to doubt their seriousness. It was palpable that Chen Wei was not joking; he truly dared to kill Zhao Tianyang!

Chen Wei had once sworn to properly protect his six senior sisters; no one was allowed to hurt them!

Zhao Tianyang's actions had undoubtedly touched his reverse scale!

He deserved to die!

If it weren't for the concern that Zhao Tianyang's corpse might dirty Guan Shanyue's sight, Chen Wei would have indeed done so!

"You, you're fucking asking for death! Manager Li, quick, take action and teach them a harsh lesson for me!" Zhao Tianyang, unable to contain his rage, pointed at Chen Wei and ordered.

Li An suddenly snapped back to reality, his expression immediately darkening. Then, he spun around swiftly, lifting his leg for a kick that landed squarely on Zhao Tianyang's face, cursing, "Who the fuck do you think you are, daring to harass President Guan? Want to die?"

Internally, he cursed even more: You want to die, fine, but can you not drag me into it? I'm still young; I don't want to die!

President Guan!

Upon hearing these two words, both Zhao Tianyang and Xiao Xiong by his side felt a shock to their core.

Though they weren't familiar with Guan Shanyue, they were utterly aware that anyone capable of making Li An suddenly switch sides to attack his own was by no means simple.

"President Guan! I'm terribly sorry; it was my negligence that allowed these two to offend you. How would you like to deal with them?" Li An ceased kicking Zhao Tianyang and approached Guan Shanyue, his sycophantic demeanor on full display.

He had never imagined that Chen Wei had such a powerful support behind him. Had he known earlier, even if given a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand times more courage, he would have never dared to provoke Chen Wei!

"You, along with everyone here, get out! If you dare appear within a kilometer of the Yunding Hotel again, you will bear the consequences!" Guan Shanyue's presence was domineering, as if she naturally repelled people from thousands of miles away with her oppressive aura.

"Yes! Yes! I'm leaving, I'm leaving right now!" Being able to save his own life, Li An felt it was a very good deal, far beyond haggling.

"What are you all gaping at! Hurry up and take these two pieces of trash away, and throw them out!" Li An shouted.

The security guards didn't dare delay and moved swiftly to act.

And just like that, the group quickly entered the elevator and disappeared.

Xiao Xiong was still in a dazed confusion and didn't respond…

"How is it? Wei, are you alright? Did they hurt you?" Guan Shanyue held Chen Wei with both hands and looked him up and down anxiously.

"Sister, don't worry, I'm fine. How could a bunch of ants possibly hurt me?" Chen Wei said with a faint smile, reassuring Guan Shanyue not to worry.

"Phew, that's good." Guan Shanyue breathed a sigh of relief, "I was worried when you were in the bathroom for so long and didn't come back. I didn't expect you actually encountered trouble. Don't worry, later I'll have those managers properly train their staff, such incidents will definitely not happen again, I promise you!"

"Okay." Chen Wei nodded, how could he refuse Guan Shanyue's kind intentions.

Afterward, when Chen Wei was done with the bathroom, they returned to the private room, and no one brought up the incident that had happened.

Otherwise, if the other sisters found out, especially the fifth, Leng Qianqian, about the news that several people were dismembered, it would probably hit the headlines of all major news outlets by tomorrow, the crime scene immaculate, not a single trace to be found!

Pity? Chen Wei wasn't so saintly as to pity those useless things, he simply didn't want to trouble Leng Qianqian. Dealing with such minor characters would only lower her status.

After a brief reunion, Chen Wei saw that the other five sisters still had things to do, so he let them go about their own business, there was no need for them to keep him company the whole time.

Su Yumei stayed behind, personally drove him to the new villa she had purchased for him, Fushan Residence, the only one in the world! Priced at over a hundred million!

For her most beloved junior brother, not to mention a hundred million, even ten billion, if it would make Chen Wei happy, Su Yumei wouldn't hesitate to choose to buy it.

A few minutes later.

"What happened?" Noticing that Chen Wei's previously jovial expression had suddenly turned cold and his gaze occasionally darted to the rearview mirror outside the window, Su Yumei knew something must have happened and asked.

"Sister, have you offended someone recently?" Chen Wei asked directly.

"Offended someone?" Upon hearing this, Su Yumei also noticed the silver van following them for some time about ten meters behind and immediately understood what had happened, saying lightly, "Just some business disputes."

With that, she started to accelerate, "Wei, hold on tight! It might get a bit bumpy!"

Chen Wei responded with action, grabbing onto the handle.

However, the pursuers were more tenacious than expected; after about fifteen minutes of winding through the city, they still couldn't shake them off.

"It looks like it's a modified car. Sister, take a left up ahead and leave the rest to me," Chen Wei commanded.

"Alright!" Since her methods weren't working, Su Yumei decisively chose to follow Chen Wei's plan.

After driving a few dozen meters, they took a left out of the city and headed towards the suburbs.

Seven or eight minutes later.

Seeing the situation was about right, Chen Wei spoke, "Sister, stop the car here."

"Wei, be extremely careful." Even though she knew her junior brother was proficient in both the pen and the sword, a king who could handle both the underworld and the legitimate world, since he had been playing the fool for three years, Su Yumei couldn't help worrying that Chen Wei's skills might have deteriorated, and what if those baddies harmed him?

Her heart hung in her throat.