Chapter 7: Lin Yibai Gets Hit On!

"Huh?" Noticing the odd expressions on the faces of the sisters, Chen Wei asked in confusion, "Is there something dirty on my face?"

"No, not at all!" Lin Yibai's face turned as red as a ripe apple, hurriedly handing over the clothes, "Master, change quickly, and be careful not to catch a cold."

"Okay." Chen Wei took the clothes from the two women and turned back into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"Phew..." Lin Yibai placed her hand slantingly on her chest, sighing with relief.

Seeing this, Lin Miaoke's face broke into a mischievously odd expression, "Sis, you couldn't have fallen in love with the master at first sight, could you? Isn't that a bit..."

Before she could finish speaking, Lin Yibai frantically covered Lin Miaoke's mouth with her hand, "What nonsense are you spouting? Don't talk rubbish!"

She had just arrived and didn't know whether the bathroom door was soundproof. What if Chen Wei inside overheard and got the wrong idea?

As for love at first sight? That hadn't happened, but she did feel a little flutter of the heart, "A fair lady is a gentleman's good match," as the saying goes; but it works the other way around, too.

"Mmm-mmm-mmm!" Lin Miaoke mumbled, and seeing Lin Yibai taking her seriously, she quickly gestured an ok sign; Lin Yibai then let go of her.

"Sis, you almost suffocated me!" Lin Miaoke cast a coquettish glance at her.

"Alright, sorry about that." Lin Yibai apologized proactively.

Lin Miaoke chuckled with a "hehe," pretending to be angry, "Forgiven."

The two sisters had seldom quarreled since they were young, maintaining a very close relationship.

The next second, the door lock clicked.

Chen Wei emerged dressed in new clothes.

Once again, the sister duo witnessed what it means for a Buddha to rely on robes and for a person to depend on clothes.

Though that didn't quite sound right because, after all, even without these clothes, Chen Wei was still outstandingly handsome!

"Who bought these clothes?" Chen Wei hadn't expected them to fit so unexpectedly well.

"Miss Su bought them, but she only got one piece since she didn't know your exact size," Lin Yibai promptly replied, holding out a bank card to Chen Wei, "This is what Miss Su asked me to pass on to you, but she didn't tell me the pin."

"It's okay." Even if Su Yumei didn't mention it, Chen Wei knew what the pin was; after having been with the Heaven and Earth Society sisters for so long, they could understand each other without speaking.

"Are you going out, Master?" Lin Yibai asked as she saw Chen Wei heading for the front door.

"Hmm, is there a shopping mall nearby?" After his divorce from Zhao Xinlian, Chen Wei had left with nothing, not even taking any of the clothes that she had bought for him during their three-year marriage.

Even the clothes he wore on his return were the ones he had worn to meet her three years ago, signifying that he hadn't taken a single cent from Zhao Xinlian.

So, having received the bank card from Su Yumei, Chen Wei planned to buy himself a few articles of clothing.

"Master, let me take you. I'm very familiar with this area," Lin Yibai volunteered eagerly.

"Okay." Chen Wei didn't refuse her kind offer.

Her younger sister, Lin Miaoke, stayed behind to clean the villa, under the condition that Lin Yibai promised to bring back some snacks for her.

Pretty easy to deal with.

Chen Wei smiled lightly.

Afterward, the two of them left, with Lin Yibai in the driver's seat.

Walking alone would take seven or eight minutes just to descend the mountain, let alone reach a mall.

The sports car was also pre-purchased by Su Yumei, intended to serve as Chen Wei's means of transportation to make getting around a bit more convenient.

One could only say, his eldest senior sister had been really thoughtful and comprehensive in her considerations.

Even Lin Yibai couldn't help but feel envious of Chen Wei for having such a sister.

The car drove out of JY Residential Area and then entered the city.

A luxury sports car worth tens of millions was bound to attract attention—I mean, coupled with a beauty by its side, it'd be impossible to go unnoticed.

A blue sports car quickly caught up, running parallel to Chen Wei and Lin Yibai. After whistling vulgarly, the young thug in the passenger seat made no effort to hide his lecherous gaze as he sized up Lin Yibai and said, "Beauty, interested in getting to know me?"

"Not interested!" Lin Yibai's pretty face was icy as she rejected him quite decisively.

"Don't be so cold. I'm from the Heaven and Earth Society, you know. Getting to know me could be good for you. I can look after you around this area."

Noticing Chen Wei in the passenger seat, the youth took the opportunity to make a point, "Way better than that pretty boy next to you, who's just for show and no use, you see. He doesn't even dare to fart in front of me."

"Shut your mouth! Don't be rude to my master!" Lin Yibai's eyes were sharp, and for a moment, she truly frightened the young thug.

After the youth regained his senses, he laughed loudly, "Beauty, I didn't expect you to be into this kind of thing. I'm happy to be your master, and I'm very skilled, you know. Why don't you consider it?"

"Get lost!" Lin Yibai was quickly losing her patience.

Seeing his own maid being harassed like this, and indirectly insulting himself as well, Chen Wei couldn't and didn't intend to tolerate it. Playing a good-for-nothing son-in-law was one thing, but actually becoming a pushover was another, something he was used to.

"Switch places with me, I'll deal with them," Chen Wei said, placing his hand on Lin Yibai's shoulder and gently patting a few times.

"Switch places?" Lin Yibai looked at the speedometer, then at Chen Wei, worried that such a maneuver might cause an accident.

"Trust me, leave it to me, it'll be fine," Chen Wei reassured.

"Alright, then." Lin Yibai had no choice but to do as Chen Wei said, standing up, with Chen Wei moving down in turn.

In the exchange, unavoidable physical contact occurred—it couldn't be said to be unambiguous.

Lin Yibai, by accident, sat on Chen Wei's face.

Her cheeks flushed red in an instant, and she quickly lifted herself up, apologizing, "I'm sorry! Really sorry! I didn't do it on purpose!"

"It's okay, don't worry about it," Chen Wei thought that for any man, this couldn't be considered torture. Rather, it should be seen as a perk.

The youth on the side was indeed very envious, wishing he could experience that suffocating feeling of being sat on the face.

"My woman, is she someone you can harass?" Chen Wei gave himself a legitimate reason to act.

My woman!

Little did he know how much shock these words had brought to Lin Yibai's heart.

"Kid, have some sense and stop the car nicely and scram. I'm from the Heaven and Earth Society! You know what the Heaven and Earth Society is?" the youth boasted arrogantly.

"So what?" Chen Wei retorted.

"Hey! Looks like you're asking to choose the penalty over the toast! I'll fuck your..."


Not giving the youth a chance to finish his speech, Chen Wei slapped him so hard that he nearly broke the youth's neck, and a cracking sound sent an abrupt pain, like a serious crick in the neck, shooting into his brain.

"Agh! You, you dare to hit me!" The youth was infuriated and quickly ordered his driver, "Block that car for me! I have to cripple him today to ease my resentment! And in front of you, I'm going to play with your woman..."


Still not giving the youth an opportunity to finish his sentence, Chen Wei followed with another slap, leaving the youth thoroughly dazed.

Then he turned to look at Lin Yibai, "Hold tight, I'm going to speed up."

"Oh! Okay." Lin Yibai nodded, agreeing, her hands gripping tightly onto the seatbelt that was digging deep into her chest.