Chapter 9 How is that possible!

Chen Wei, Lin Yibai, Zhao Xinlian and others looked over at the sound and saw an elderly man with white hair who was currently fainting next to a girl who looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The girl was trying to lift the old man up, her eyes brimming with tears, begging the bystanders for help.

Some kind-hearted person took out their phone and dialed for an ambulance.

But Chen Wei could tell at a glance that the old man was having an acute heart attack, and by the time the ambulance arrived, it'd be the least seven or eight minutes, by which time the old man would have long been beyond help.

With a physician's compassionate heart, Chen Wei didn't hesitate, quickly striding over, "Let me take a look."

No sooner had he spoken than Han Zhiming unexpectedly followed, pushing Chen Wei aside from behind, "Step aside! What right do you have to speak here? There's no place for you! Young lady, I am a doctor from Qingshan Hospital, my name is Han Zhiming, don't worry, I'll save your grandfather."

Han Zhiming showing goodwill? Impossible, he was just looking to seize the opportunity to win over Zhao Xinlian's favor and still make Chen Wei realize the gap between them.

With so much to gain from a single action, Han Zhiming had no reason not to do it.

"Qingshan Hospital's Han Zhiming? I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

"I know him, I've seen him in the newspaper, he's one of River City's top ten young physicians."

"With him here, we don't have to worry, the old gentleman will definitely be saved."


Listening to the surrounding people's conversations, Han Zhiming's heart surged with elation, while he sneaked a glance sideways, his lips curling up as he looked at Chen Wei triumphantly.

How about that? Now do you understand the difference between you and me?

"It looks like the old master is having a heart attack, I know the emergency procedures, come, let's lay him flat on the ground." Han Zhiming instructed the girl to follow his orders.

"I'd advise against doing that, the method you're thinking of using will only hasten his death!" Chen Wei warned.

Upon hearing this, Han Zhiming's expression turned unpleasant, "Are you a doctor? Do you have a medical license? What gives you the right to point fingers here? You're nothing more than a divorced live-in son-in-law, a useless man, and you dare teach me how to do my job? How overconfident!"

Hearing his words, the crowd also became indignant.

"A live-in son-in-law dares to school a real doctor on how to conduct emergency treatment? Ha, that's laughable."

"People like him have no capability and still love to show off. The man has already identified himself, he's been on TV; against someone famous, what does a good-for-nothing have to compare with?"

"Get out of the way already, don't hinder the real doctors here! If anything happens to the old man, you'll be a murderer!"


"Alas..." Seeing Chen Wei struggling to prove himself in front of her, attempting to salvage his self-image that had plummeted to rock bottom, Zhao Xinlian just felt he was pitiable.

For a man, to fail to such an extent was not easy.

Having lived with Chen Wei for a full three years, did Zhao Xinlian not know what kind of person he was?

Chen Wei knew medicine? Heh, if he had even a bit of ambition, she wouldn't have divorced him.

The reason Zhao Xinlian didn't hesitate to divorce Chen Wei was precisely because she was convinced at heart that he was utterly worthless.

He could only rely on his looks to leech off people like Su Yumei.

Once he was tired of playing, discarded... One could imagine the consequences.

Such a person doesn't deserve sympathy!

"Big brother, stop talking, let him save my grandfather," the girl pleaded with Chen Wei with her eyes, hoping he wouldn't interfere with Han Zhiming anymore.

Chen Wei had no choice but to step back.

No amount of explanation is as persuasive as the facts.

"Hah, at least you know what's good for you!" Without Chen Wei's interference, Han Zhiming got to work more smoothly and began to perform emergency treatment on the elder according to his own understanding.

But before he had done much, the old man's face suddenly turned green, quickly followed by purple. Any normal person could see that his condition was obviously getting much worse.

"How, how could this happen!" Han Zhiming panicked; he had never encountered such a situation before.

"Thanks to your method, causing the blood to clog. Keep this up, and the cause of death won't be heart disease but suffocation!" Chen Wei pointed out directly.

"You're talking nonsense! By logic, this shouldn't be happening, I did everything exactly according to the book!" Han Zhiming refused to give in and was unwilling to believe that Chen Wei was right.

"Then please, continue?" Chen Wei sneered.

"You!" Han Zhiming was not a fool; he knew that if he continued, the elder would definitely die by his hand, and he would be inescapable from blame.

Right! There was another way!

His eyes shone like those of a thief; an idea struck him, "You just wanted to save him, didn't you? Fine, I'll give you a chance!"

With that, he stood up and stepped aside.

Han Zhiming's plan was simple: let Chen Wei play the scapegoat. Anyway, he couldn't possibly treat the elder successfully. At least the elder was still alive when Han handed him over to Chen Wei, and if he died, it wouldn't be anything to do with Han.


Chen Wei, of course, knew what Han Zhiming was thinking, but he didn't bother to quarrel with him—lives were at stake!

Immediately, he squatted down, and somehow, three silver needles appeared in his hand. He quickly inserted them into the elder's chest.

"Heh, resorting to ancient medicine. What era is this? Still using acupuncture, what's the difference between this and fraud?" Han Zhiming mocked from the side.

Although Zhao Xinlian didn't believe Chen Wei was that capable, she despised Han Zhiming's behavior—she thought he was an insult to the medical profession!

This man didn't deserve to be called a doctor!

Her already low opinion of him plummeted into the negatives.

Glancing at her phone and then out the window, Zhao Xinlian clenched her fist, wondering, why hadn't the ambulance arrived yet?

Even if not considering it from her former wife's perspective, as a normal person, Zhao Xinlian didn't want the old man to die; she hoped he could be saved.

"Cough!" Suddenly, the elder sat up sharply from the ground, his eyes opening wide; he turned his head to the side and spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

It was noticeable that the blood was darker than the normal color and even had clots in it!

"Old man, hold your breath. I'm going to remove the needles," Chen Wei reminded him.

"Okay." The elder nodded, took a deep breath, and then held it.

"How, how is this possible! No, this cannot be! It absolutely cannot be!" Seeing the elder, who had been on the brink of death just moments ago, now appeared as if nothing had happened to him, disbelief was written all over Han Zhiming's face.

He pinched himself, the pain confirming that he wasn't dreaming!

That worthless fool had actually managed to save the old guy!

Wait a minute! If he was the worthless one, what did that make Han?

Meanwhile, Zhao Xinlian felt just as incredulous, staring at Chen Wei with confusion, puzzlement, and bewilderment in her eyes...
