Chapter 57: Junior Sister? Senior Sister?

Before the original singer, saying someone has brought out the flavor this song should have, how is that any different from slapping Liu Meng in the face?

Yang Xingchen was very worried that he would be resented by Liu Meng. With her current influence in the entertainment industry, it would take just one word from her to make him lose everything he had, and yes, it was that terrifying!

The title of the number one female star in the entertainment industry wasn't just for show. Even in the international entertainment circles, Liu Meng still had considerable influence. Major production companies were extending olive branches, hoping she would participate in globally popular super IP movies...

"Answer my question, does that person sing it better than me?" Liu Meng didn't appreciate Yang Xingchen pretending to play dumb.

"This..." In front of the person herself, where could Yang Xingchen dare to speak? Once spoken, there would truly be no turning back.