Chapter 94 S-class, Ghost Blade!

Chen Wei wasn't interested in who had placed bets on him; he was standing in the fighting ring, curious only about one thing—how much of a beating could his next opponent take?

Given he'd been ranked S-class, he better not disappoint.

Following the rules spelled out by Guan Shanyue earlier, Chen Wei calculated in his mind that defeating just one S-class opponent should be enough to raise him to A-class.

Definitely, taking down bosses would grant more experience than small fries. If he focused on low-level fighters, Chen Wei reckoned he'd have to beat several hundred from D-class to rise to A-class.

"My God, is that Ghost Blade?"

At the sound, Chen Wei looked over.

He saw a man with long hair, dressed in a striped suit like himself, emerging from the passage. The man also wore a blood-red leather jacket over his suit, with tiny tufts of fur at the collar and cuffs, giving off an indifferent vibe to hot or cold.