Chapter 182: Playing Both Good and Bad Guys, First Update

"You, you want to not only force us out of JM Entertainment but also to ostracize us?"

Zhao Changkuan and Zhao Fanjie had never imagined that Chen Wei would take things to such an extreme.

"No matter how you look at it, my uncle has been a veteran figure in JM Entertainment. You fire him over such a trivial matter and even want to ostracize him. Isn't that going too far? If word gets out, it will certainly chill people's hearts!" Zhao Fanjie hoped that Chen Wei would understand this rationale.

The reason he stood up and said this was to protect Zhao Changkuan. Only by safeguarding Zhao Changkuan could he ensure his own safety.

"Shut up! You have no place to speak here!" Was Zhao Changkuan scolding Zhao Fanjie? Just on the surface.

Chen Wei could see that this uncle and nephew were planning to play a game of good cop, bad cop with him.

Those little schemings and calculations could never escape Chen Wei's sharp eyes.