Chapter 192: The Most Ruthless Is the Emperor's Abode, First Update

After hanging up the phone, Xu Lingzhi's demeanor instantly transformed into extreme geniality as he said to Chen Wei, "Please wait a moment, Mr. Chen, he will be right here."

He feared that Chen Wei might lose patience and leave first.

Without a direct reply, Chen Wei sat back down on the sofa, lifted his tea cup, and continued drinking the half cup that remained.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Let alone three minutes.

Chen Wei waited a full five minutes, yet the person Xu Lingzhi wanted him to see still hadn't arrived.

Noticing Chen Wei's subtle glance at the wall clock, Xu Lingzhi quickly took out his phone, found the most recent call in his call history, and dialed it.

Soon after, a ringtone sounded from outside the door.

Then, the room door was opened from the outside, and the newcomer was none other than Xu Lingzhi's son, Xu Guancong—the same guy who had hassled Han Lingxue at the gate of South University.