Chapter 196: The Best, Still the Best! Fifth Update

Jade Stone Acquisition Shop.

"A total of five hundred thousand, all transferred to your account, sir."

Chen Wei took out his phone to confirm, the amount was exactly five hundred thousand.

"Mr. Chen, here's my business card. If you have more jade like this in the future, please remember me, I'll guarantee you the fairest price," said the buyer.

"Mhm," Chen Wei agreed.

He then left with Su Yumei.

"With the way things are, if you're willing, making tens of millions a day in a place like this would be a breeze," Su Yumei said, not exaggerating at all.

But Chen Wei's reply was even more astonishing, "You can change 'tens' to 'billions'."

"Getting cocky just because I complimented you a bit, don't brag too much. Who do you think you are to talk about hundreds of billions? It's not that easy to make money," Su Yumei said, looking down with her eyes looking up, seeming to roll her eyes at Chen Wei.