Chapter 270 Su Yumei: I've fallen for someone!

After dinner, Dai Yufang and Lin Huayin, the mother-daughter duo, were responsible for clearing the dishes and washing them.

Chen Wei didn't want to help, but was forcibly dragged to the study by Lin Youwen.

As for Deng Yihang, he also received a signal and hurried upstairs soon after; Lin Huayin opened the door for him and then turned to point, "They're waiting for you in the study."

"Alright, thank you for your troubles," Deng Yihang hastened away.

Everyone was an old friend, all wanting to contribute to the chess industry of Great Xia; from the beginning to end, Deng Yihang had no intention of monopolizing Chen Wei's experience sharing, so he did not oppose Lin Youwen's presence.

If one really talked about it, Chen Wei was Lin Youwen's future son-in-law, and that relation was much closer than his own.

Being on Lin Family's turf, Deng Yihang had even less reason to ask Lin Youwen to leave.

"Do you have chess software?" Chen Wei asked Lin Youwen.