Chapter 323: The Great Fire of Farewell General

"Popularity? I've never paid much attention to that. Last time I checked, it seemed to be ninth or eighth on the new song chart, let me see." Su Yumei pulled out her phone, opened the music app, and checked the charts.

She exclaimed in surprise, "How long has it been? It's already number one!"

Then she acted as if it were only to be expected, "But, with such a good song, winning first place is pretty normal. If it weren't first, now that would be strange. It proves that this platform isn't as full of hot air as I thought."

First place on the new song hot chart, not bad at all. That girl really has the potential to be a big star. It's just a shame she doesn't have the courage to step into the limelight, or otherwise, she could've been the next Liu Meng.

Of course, there's the same old saying, Chen Wei respects Li Feier's personal choices. Since she wants to work behind the scenes, that's what she'll do. As long as Chen Wei's around, no one will be able to force her.