Chapter 3 Difficult Choice


"Tieniu Brother, I can't help with this kind of favor!"

Zhang Xiaofan quickly waved his hands.

"Xiaofan, I've actually considered this a month ago, and I've discussed it with my wife as well. Although she didn't openly agree, I can feel that she's been thinking along the same lines."

"In our place, if a couple doesn't have children, imagine how much gossip and criticism they'll face!"

"We've been married for just over a year now, and my wife hasn't gotten pregnant, the way people in the village look at me has changed."

"It's as if they're saying, 'Zhao Tieniu must be impotent, over a year married and he can't get his wife pregnant.'"

"My wife is also under a lot of pressure!"

As he said this, Zhang Xiaofan could see the helplessness and sadness on Zhao Tieniu's face.

It was a man's sorrow, to have his wife sleep with another man...

"My wife is enduring even more than me, unable to enjoy the happiness of being a woman, while also being talked about behind her back..."

"If you get her pregnant, and we have a child, then she can focus on the child and won't feel so lonely, and there will be no room for gossip."

Having said that, Zhao Tieniu poured himself a bowl of wine and drank it in a gulp, as if it were water.

"But, Brother Tieniu, why do you have to choose me?"

Zhao Tieniu had no choice but to turn to another man to have a child, this Zhang Xiaofan could understand, but he didn't get why Zhao Tieniu had chosen him, since they weren't that close.

Zhao Tieniu took Zhang Xiaofan's hand, looking at him seriously, "Xiaofan, I've thought about this for a long time. You can't just choose anyone to be the child's father. First off, it has to be someone my wife doesn't dislike; and then, they have to have good looks and brains. After considering all options, you are the most suitable person I know."

"Xiaofan, you're young, you look decent, you've been to college, and you've even saved my wife. From the way my wife mentioned you just now, it's not hard for me to see that she has a fondness for you, and I'm not jealous about that."

"Brother Tieniu, but—"

"What, you think my wife isn't pretty enough? She's not beautiful?"

"No... not at all... She's very beautiful."

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but recall Sun Qian's beautiful face, her slender figure, her white skin, her full and ample...

Was he really going to have a child with this beautiful woman?

He had to admit, at that moment, his heart was racing.

Without giving Zhang Xiaofan time to think it over seriously, Zhao Tieniu stood up and said, "Xiaofan, it's settled then! My wife is waiting for you inside, just finish this bowl of wine and go in!"


Zhang Xiaofan was stunned. Middle of the day, right now?

Simultaneously, Zhang Xiaofan finally understood why Sun Qian had appeared a bit shy before; she already knew she was going to do that with him.

Should he help or not?

Zhang Xiaofan was still a hot-blooded young man, and the thought of Sun Qian waiting for him in bed, her curvaceous figure, her round and full hips, her fair and tender legs...

He was torn within.

For starters, he and Zhao Tieniu had no blood relation.

Moreover, Zhao Tieniu and Sun Qian were truly a couple dealt a hard hand. If he could help them out, wouldn't it possibly lead their lives to a happier future? Why not?

Zhang Xiaofan slowly convinced himself.

"Brother Tieniu, I'll agree to this."

In the end, Zhang Xiaofan gave his nod.

Zhao Tieniu expressed his joy, "I knew you would understand, Xiaofan!"

Meanwhile, in the room, Sun Qian wasn't sitting down. She stood behind the door, silently eavesdropping on the conversation between Zhao Tieniu and Zhang Xiaofan.

Upon hearing Zhang Xiaofan agree, her mature body instinctively trembled slightly, her lush thighs pressed tightly together, and her eyes shimmered with added moisture.

From the moment Zhang Xiaofan treated her in the cave, she had decided she wanted to have a child with this man.

After she returned, she mentioned it to Zhao Tieniu, who after a slight hesitation agreed, because Zhang Xiaofan was indeed a rare good choice.

"Brother Tieniu, I have one condition, though, we can't let anyone know about this."

Zhang Xiaofan said earnestly.

"Of course, I swear on my life, I won't reveal a word!"

This matter was related to both Zhang Xiaofan's reputation and his own wife's, how could Zhao Tieniu ever speak of it to others?

"I'll come back tonight, then!"


It was broad daylight and doing that sort of thing with Sun Qian made Zhang Xiaofan feel genuinely guilty.

Therefore, after agreeing to Zhao Tieniu's request, he quickly left.

After leaving Zhao Tieniu's house, Zhang Xiaofan regretted promising to help a little.

Although Sun Qian was still a complete and untouched bride, as a young man with aspirations, she, a married woman, was not his ideal first-time partner.

But since he had already agreed, it was too late for regrets now.


When he got back home, Zhang Xiaofan finally saw his grandfather.

Orphaned at a young age, it was his grandfather who had raised him single-handedly, and the bond between them ran deep.

Upon seeing him, Zhang Xiaofan embraced his grandfather warmly.

Zhang Dalei was opposed to Zhang Xiaofan's decision to return to the village after graduation.

"Grandpa, a capable person can make a lot of money anywhere! Trust me, in Stone Village, not only can I make money and marry a beautiful wife, but I can also lead everyone towards a better life!"

Zhang Xiaofan's skills were not limited to what he had learned in school, so he was confident.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan this confident, Zhang Dalei no longer objected strenuously; in fact, he understood that his grandson's biggest reason for returning to the village was his filial piety!

Zhang Dalei prepared a sumptuous dinner for Zhang Xiaofan, with dishes like fish caught from the river and wild rabbit caught from the mountains.

Zhang Xiaofan talked with his grandfather late into the night.

It was only after his grandfather fell asleep that Zhang Xiaofan remembered his daytime agreement with Zhao Tieniu.

So he took a serious bath, especially cleaning his most important part thoroughly, three times, to ensure Sun Qian would not dislike it.


By now it was ten o'clock at night, and villagers tended to retire early; few lights were left on in the sprawling Stone Village.

Guided by the moonlight, Zhang Xiaofan arrived at Zhao Tieniu's house.

Zhao Tieniu had been waiting in the courtyard for a while.

"Please, Xiaofan," said Zhao Tieniu earnestly, patting Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder before pushing him toward the door. "She made herself up tonight, looks beautiful. Go in quickly."

Having reached this point, Zhang Xiaofan had made up his mind and entered as he opened the door.

Zhao Tieniu closed the door behind him.

The moment the door shut, Zhao Tieniu felt as if his heart were being carved with a knife.

To personally hand over his beautiful wife to another man was a cruel joke played by fate!

He sat down in the courtyard, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and started smoking fiercely.


Meanwhile, inside the room, Zhang Xiaofan finally saw Sun Qian.

Sun Qian looked even more beautiful than she had during the day!

She was wearing a mid-length camisole nightgown, exposing her soft shoulders and dazzlingly white thighs. Her full and exquisite figure was enveloped by the thin nightgown, offering a hazy temptation.

Her lips were lightly tinted with lipstick, her eyebrows delicately painted, her pretty face blushed with a healthy glow, just like a bride on her wedding night.

Zhang Xiaofan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, thumping wildly.

"Xiaofan, come here," said Sun Qian, breaking the silence first, patting the edge of the bed beside her.

Zhang Xiaofan's palms were sweaty. He walked over and sat next to Sun Qian, her fragrance immediately invading his nostrils.

"Xiaofan, do you have a girlfriend?"

Sun Qian moved closer to Zhang Xiaofan, her hip and thighs pressing tightly against him.

"That... not yet," he replied.

The softness and warmth of Sun Qian's body was like fire to Zhang Xiaofan, making him feel hotter and hotter.

"I really want to thank you for saving me today," said Sun Qian in a gentle voice as she took the initiative to hold Zhang Xiaofan's hand and place it on her leg.