Chapter 5: The Baby Has Something to Eat

"I went to the town's health clinic for massages twice, but it didn't have any effect. I had milk for the day after the massages, but then it was gone the next day,"

Zhou Shuyi spoke with a sense of helplessness.

Hearing Zhou Shuyi say this, Zhang Xiaofan naturally understood that the massage skills of the doctors at the town's health clinic were limited.

"Shu Yi, your child is currently experiencing severe nutritional deficiencies and has inadequate immunity, which will lead to him getting sick more easily. So, it's crucial that you provide him with nutrition going forward, and the best way to do that is through mother's breast milk, followed by formula,"

"Otherwise, if you continue to only feed him porridge water, there's a good chance he'll become sick again, like today, or even worse."

When Zhang Xiaofan said this, Zhou Shuyi also realized the seriousness of the situation.

She looked at Zhang Xiaofan, both helpless and at a loss, and said, "Xiaofan, I don't have money for formula, and I don't have breast milk, what should I do!"

Seeing the anxiety and self-blame on Zhou Shuyi's pretty face, Zhang Xiaofan also felt a pang of heartache.

"Shu Yi, actually, I can help you."

After a moment's thought, Zhang Xiaofan still said these words.

"Really, really?"

Zhou Shuyi looked at Zhang Xiaofan with surprise and anticipation.

"Yes, it's true, but..."

Zhang Xiaofan hesitated.

Because he didn't know how to express himself.

"Xiaofan, please say it, as long as it can help my baby, I will do whatever you ask, even sleep with you!"

Zhou Shuyi was probably panicking, or maybe she had been through a lot.

Out of the blue, she blurted out these words.

But in fact, these were genuine words from Zhou Shuyi's heart.

Zhang Xiaofan had just saved her child, making him a lifesaver in her eyes.

And if he could solve her child's malnutrition problem, he would be her greatest benefactor.

Besides, Zhang Xiaofan was a college student, handsome, educated, and kind-hearted. If she slept with Zhang Xiaofan, she would actually be getting the better end of the deal.


These words startled Zhang Xiaofan.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan didn't think Zhou Shuyi was the promiscuous type.

She must have said those words out of sheer worry for her child.

"That… Xiaofan, I'm begging you!"

Zhou Shuyi knelt on the floor.

Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly tried to help her up, but unintentionally touched her.

But Zhou Shuyi didn't notice at all; the one whose heart was racing was Zhang Xiaofan.

"Shu Yi, you don't need to do this, we are neighbors, and I will definitely try my best to help you,"

Hearing Zhang Xiaofan say that, Zhou Shuyi naturally felt relieved.

But the next second, she was wondering how Zhang Xiaofan would help.

"Shu Yi, let me first go and close the door."

Zhang Xiaofan knew Zhou Shuyi had questions, so he went to close the door, since what was about to happen wouldn't look good if seen by others.

"Ah! Xiaofan, why are you closing the door?"

This startled Zhou Shuyi.

Although she wouldn't mind actually sleeping with Zhang Xiaofan, this was happening too quickly.

"Shu Yi, I need to close the door so I can get to work."

Zhang Xiaofan's words deepened Zhou Shuyi's misunderstanding.

"Xiaofan, does it really have to be this way?"

Zhou Shuyi had been a widow for almost a year, indeed feeling lonely and isolated.

So while she was very nervous and shy, there was also a faint sense of anticipation.

"Shu Yi, it's not right for others to see me doing that kind of thing to you late at night. If it gets out, it won't be good,"

Zhang Xiaofan still didn't realize that Zhou Shuyi was thinking differently than he was. He instructed her, "You lie down on the bed first."

Zhou Shuyi, with flushed cheeks, placed the child to one side and then obediently laid down.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Zhou Shuyi lying down, his gaze involuntarily drawn to her ample bosom and her fair legs.

Even lying down, her form was prominent and extraordinary.

"Xiaofan, come on!"

Zhou Shuyi lay on the bed with her eyes closed, very nervous. One could clearly feel her body trembling slightly.

"Shu Yi, you need to relax your body for a lactation massage; there's no need to be so tense."

After all, I was massaging Zhou Shuyi to help her lactate, so it was understandable that she was nervous.

It wasn't just Zhou Shuyi, Zhang Xiaofan was nervous as well.

Thinking about touching Zhou Shuyi's good stuff with his hands soon, his blood also started to agitate.


"Xiaofan, you're not..."

Zhou Shuyi realized she had been overthinking, that Zhang Xiaofan didn't mean to sleep with her, and her cheeks suddenly turned both red and hot.

"Xiaofan is such a good person, and with medical skills, how could he think of doing such a thing? My thoughts are so dirty; he just wants to give me a massage to help with lactation!"

Zhou Shuyi really wanted to find a hole to crawl into.

"Sister Zhou, why is your face so red? Are you feeling hot?"

Noticing that Zhou Shuyi's face had suddenly turned much redder, Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"No, I'm just a bit embarrassed."

Zhou Shuyi quickly covered her eyes and face with her hands, embarrassed and shy because she had thought about sleeping aspects.

"Just think of me as a doctor."

Zhang Xiaofan convinced himself of this, too; there's no gender in the eyes of a healer.

"Well, let's get started then."

Zhou Shuyi also wanted to feed her child as soon as possible, so she prepared to take off her clothes.

Zhang Xiaofan quickly said, "Sister Zhou, you just need to undo and take off the stuff inside; you don't need to take everything off."

"I don't need to take everything off?"

Zhou Shuyi was puzzled; she remembered that when she went to the hospital for a massage, the female doctors told her to strip completely.

Zhang Xiaofan explained, "Technically, you should, but my technique is pretty good."

This explanation was actually a bit far-fetched. Zhang Xiaofan mainly didn't want to make both parties uncomfortable.

Of course, it was better to massage without clothes, but Zhou Shuyi was a neighbor after all; he couldn't be too offensive.

"Alright then!"

Having said that, Zhou Shuyi already began to move.

Zhang Xiaofan quickly turned his back to Zhou Shuyi.

Hearing the sound of clothing being removed, Zhang Xiaofan tried hard not to let his mind wander.

"Xiaofan, you can turn around now."

Zhou Shuyi, with her eyes closed, didn't dare to look at Zhang Xiaofan; after all, this was quite embarrassing.

Zhang Xiaofan swallowed, then tried hard to suppress the agitation in his blood, focusing his attention on the massage.

He walked over to the bed, finding the right acupoints for the massage.

When Zhang Xiaofan's hands landed, even through the clothes, Zhou Shuyi's body involuntarily trembled slightly, her legs tensing up tightly.

"Sister Zhou, you really need to relax for the massage to be effective," Zhang Xiaofan reminded her.

With Zhang Xiaofan's prompting, Zhou Shuyi took a deep breath to relax.

Gradually, Zhou Shuyi found that Zhang Xiaofan had a very good massage technique—balanced and just right, much better than the doctors at the hospital.

Agile fingers, skillful strength, both fast and slow.

It felt so good that Zhou Shuyi almost moaned but held it back.

The doctors at the hospital didn't come close to how well Zhang Xiaofan massaged.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Fan's hands left Zhou Shuyi's body.

"Sister Zhou, we're done."

Zhou Shuyi could already feel her clothes getting wet with milk.

"Xiaofan, your massage is amazing."

Feeling that her milk could come out now, Zhou Shuyi was overjoyed.

She hurriedly got up and picked up her baby, lifted her clothes, and began to nurse as if Zhang Xiaofan wasn't there.

Zhang Xiaofan glanced awkwardly a couple of times and secretly compared her with Sun Qian, finding that Zhou Shuyi indeed had the upper hand. He then said, "Sister Zhou, during the massage just now, I noticed that the qi and blood in front of your chest were severely congested. Although the massage had immediate effects, it might not have been completely cleared. We'll need another session tomorrow."


Zhou Shuyi agreed without thinking.

Her child having milk to drink was the happiest thing for her; she was so happy that she forgot all about the earlier embarrassment and awkwardness.

"Another session tomorrow?"

It wasn't until after Zhang Xiaofan had left that Zhou Shuyi belatedly realized, recalling that they would have to do this again, when today had already been embarrassing and awkward enough.

But she had to admit, the massage from Xiaofan was truly comfortable.