Chapter 15 Doing Things Together

Chapter 15 Working Together

"Hey! In a small factory like this in the countryside, especially when it's owned by Zhao Tiezhu, you earn just five or six hundred yuan a month."

Hearing this from Zhang Quandan, Zhang Xiaofan didn't seem too surprised, as if he had already anticipated this, because it indeed made sense.

The villagers of Shitou Village and the nearby villages mostly depended on breeding and farming for a living, and because of technical issues, they didn't make much profit over the course of a year.

Therefore, some men, looking to earn more money, had no choice but to leave their homes, "abandoning family and children," to work in the big cities far away.

And those men who stayed in the village were either the elderly or those who continued the family trade, either farming or breeding, or worked as temporary or permanent workers in some local factories, but their wages were pitifully low.

Like Zhang Quandan, who was now left in the village.