Chapter 24: Acknowledged an Older Sister

"Um... Peishan, you're very qualified, it's just... it looks like you're only a few years older than me, and for me to call you 'godmother,' that... doesn't quite seem right."

Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly shook his head as he spoke, his words somewhat hesitant.

Li Peishan seemed to have anticipated what Zhang Xiaofan was going to say, so she just smiled faintly and replied, "I don't think that's a problem. Appearances are deceiving, age is real. I believe the reason you're refusing isn't this. Could it be that you really think I'm unsuitable?"

Zhang Xiaofan inwardly chuckled bitterly, then said, "Peishan, you're wealthy and powerful, and for someone like me to even know you is already lucky, let alone the unbelievable possibility of being your godson. So, yes, I'm feeling a bit conflicted."