Chapter 28: Each With Their Own Scheme

"Hehe, beauty, let's go upstairs."

Zhou Degui, with a lecherous smile on his face, rubbed his hands together and was about to hug Shen Chunhua.

"Stop laughing, what are you doing back so early?"

Shen Chunhua's expression changed, and she looked at Zhou Degui somewhat angrily.

Because of Zhou Degui, she had missed the chance to sleep with Zhang Xiaofan.

"Beauty, we haven't done that thing for half a month; I've been missing you so much that I rushed back early."

Zhou Degui's eyes were fixed hotly on Shen Chunhua's chest.

"Done what, piss off, we're not doing it today."

Shen Chunhua got angry for no reason.

After all, having set her sights on the young and strong Zhang Xiaofan, how could she then be interested in the nearly fifty-year-old Zhou Degui?

Shen Chunhua had no interest whatsoever.

At this moment, Shen Chunhua thought she must have been crazy with desire to have slept with such an old man.

She really must have had a screw loose.