Chapter 45: The Girl with the Ponytail

Zhang Xiaofan just said that casually, but the young mother didn't have the slightest doubt, and she took him for a doctor.

That was quite normal, for at this moment the only thing on the mother's mind was how to save her child, especially when she heard about the poisoning, tears started to pour out.


The ponytailed girl was just about to speak.

But Zhang Xiaofan took the child from the mother's arms.

He then proceeded to undress the child.

After undressing him, Zhang Xiaofan quickly and lightly pressed twice with his index finger on the upper part of the belly, and then massaged with a push-and-pull technique.

Next, he cleverly flipped the child over, laying him on his knees.

He then placed his hand on the child's back and gently patted it.

The child suddenly started to vomit violently, and the vomited matter smelled extremely unpleasant, pungent, and fishy.

That wasn't the end of it; after the child had finished vomiting, Zhang Xiaofan turned him back over.