Chapter 52 is you

The place known as Stone Village was nestled within the mountains.

Travel was inconvenient; it was a poor and remote area.

It was rare for outsiders to come here.

And in the morning, a woman dressed in outdoor attire, carrying a large backpack, and wearing a black cap appeared in Stone Village.

Her skin was fair, smooth, and tight, her features delicate. Although her figure was not discernible at the moment, her face showed she was a beauty.

However, she only stopped briefly before heading into the mountains.

By then, Zhang Xiaofan had already entered deep into the mountains.

He had phoned Chen Yifa to ask if he knew of anywhere that sold "Polygonum Multiflorum in human shape," but to no avail.

Unfortunately, although not as expensive as centuries-old ginseng, it was just as rare.

Thus, Zhang Xiaofan could only try his luck in the mountains.

If he couldn't find it by noon, he would have to return since he had promised to repay Zhao Qiang the twenty thousand yuan by midday.