Chapter 60: The Sudden Wang Fang

Maybe it was the delayed kick of the baijiu, but Zhang Xiaofan felt a bit dizzy as he lay down, and sleepiness soon followed.

Just as Zhang Xiaofan was about to drift off, he faintly heard some rustling noises outside.

The reason for keeping watch here was simply to prevent anyone from "causing destruction."

After all, occasional incidents occurred in Shitou Village where someone maliciously damaged the crops at night.

For Zhang Xiaofan and the others, these medicinal herbs represented "hope."

They most certainly couldn't afford an incident.

Zhang Xiaofan sat up, rubbed his eyes, and shook his somewhat heavy head to clear the grogginess.

Then, he switched on his flashlight and walked outside.

With the flashlight in hand, he walked a few meters along the field ridge when suddenly, a large "bamboo rat" darted out.

This damn near gave Zhang Xiaofan a heart attack.

Of course, it wasn't the "bamboo rat" that startled Zhang Xiaofan but the suddenness of its appearance.