Chapter 76 Another Major Discovery

Zhang Xiaofan and Zhou Degui arrived at the home of the man with the lame leg.

As soon as they entered the house, they saw the couple lying on the ground.

Apparently, when someone came looking for the man with the lame leg, they found both him and his wife on the ground, clutching their bellies and crying out in pain.

In a rush of panic, they informed Zhou Degui, the village chief who lived not far away.

If this had happened before, Zhou Degui might have made an excuse, claiming he was busy and didn't have the time.

And simply suggested sending them to the hospital.

But now, things were different because of Zhang Xiaofan, who had changed some of his thoughts and actions.

He hurried over, and seeing that the situation was dire, he had intended to take them to the town health clinic.

But then he thought of Zhang Xiaofan and decided to find him on his motorcycle.


Zhang Xiaofan quickly stepped forward and conducted a brief "inspection and palpation" on the couple.