Chapter 88: So, There's Such a Story

"Come on, sleeping with me wouldn't be a loss for you."

Shen Chunhua lifted her skirt again.

It seemed that Zhang Xiaofan had no way out.

Being forced to sleep with Shen Chunhua, there was no advantage in it.

If one really had to say there was a benefit, it might just be that momentary ecstasy.

Shen Chunhua on the bed had already taken off her skirt.

A pair of round, pearl-like white legs was fully exposed.

Zhang Xiaofan withdrew his gaze, not daring to continue looking.

"Xiaofan, don't just stand there, let's hurry up,"

The anxious one was Shen Chunhua.

Zhang Xiaofan still couldn't make up his mind.

A decision made under coercion was always a false one.

Perhaps forgetting the pain from her twisted ankle, Shen Chunhua got off the bed.

Although Shen Chunhua's ankle was twisted, it wasn't serious at all, and walking was certainly not a problem.

"Xiaofan, you've said before that I have a nice figure, now I'm ready to strip, why won't you even look?"