Chapter 99 Wang Quande Without Legs


Although the police couldn't do anything to them, Zhang Xiaofan had a good guess about who was behind it all.

In this town, he knew only a few people, let alone one who might have a grudge against him.

So Zhang Xiaofan began to suspect Fu Jiajun, as well as Li Tingting's "mysterious boyfriend."

There was no need to mention Fu Jiajun, for Zhang Xiaofan had directly threatened him to his face.

Revenge was inevitable.

There was also Li Tingting's "mysterious boyfriend."

Although he only knew about him through WeChat messages, if he truly existed, he would not let Zhang Xiaofan off easily either.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan was more inclined to suspect Fu Jiajun.


Unable to learn the identity of the person behind this from Huang Jie and his group.

After a brief procedure, Zhang Xiaofan left the station and hurried back to Stone Village.

However, this matter had completely ignited Zhang Xiaofan's desire for "revenge."