Are you admitting defeat in the 103rd message?


"Aunt Li He, with Uncle Wang Quande in his current state, you and Fang Fang need to stay by his bedside more, even if he doesn't want to talk, you should still chat with him more."

Looking at Wang Quande lying in bed, Zhang Xiaofan was still very worried.

His eyes were open, but they were empty and lifeless, much like a person in a vegetative state.

Clearly, losing his legs had dealt a massive blow to Wang Quande.

Driving him out to conduct a day of rituals? This was essentially pushing him to the brink of death.

"Aunt Li He, Uncle Wang Quande's body hasn't fully recovered yet, I'll go back and prescribe some medicine to help him recuperate," Zhang Xiaofan continued.

"Xiaofan, we appreciate it so much; I don't even know what to say. Your kindness will always be remembered by Fang Fang and me," Liu Lihe said as she gently bowed to Zhang Xiaofan.

The Zhang Xiaofan of today was no longer the little brat he used to be.