Chapter 130 Special Girlfriend Relationship

Zhang Xiaofan finally understood that whatever had happened during college was already a thing of the past.

He who existed now was the him of before, yet he was not the same him as before.

The things one encounters in college do not necessarily reoccur in the present.

Even if they did, Zhang Xiaofan was confident he could resolve them.

"Xiaofan, brother, it's been a long time."

Li Tingting smiled radiantly.

She also started to talk to Zhang Xiaofan in the same way.

Just one look, and she felt that today's Zhang Xiaofan was different.

"I didn't know what you like to drink, so I just ordered a random one."

Zhang Xiaofan placed a cup of milk tea in front of Li Tingting.

Milk tea shops were places Zhang Xiaofan rarely visited.

It was just that Li Tingting had agreed to meet here, and Zhang Xiaofan, who had arrived early, thought that girls liked milk tea. Not knowing which kind Li Tingting preferred, he randomly ordered one.

"This is actually my favorite kind."