Is there anything I can help you with for the 152?


Zhang Xiaofan's eyes flashed with seriousness, then he glanced at Ye Tongtong: "I need to massage you first to get the qi and blood in your body moving,"

As he spoke, Zhang Xiaofan's hands were already on Ye Tongtong's fragrant shoulders.

The moment his hands touched her, Ye Tongtong's mouth twitched slightly, and then her body shivered.

"What's wrong?" Feeling the tremor in Ye Tongtong's body, Zhang Xiaofan asked.

Ye Tongtong smiled and said, "Nothing, it's just a body reaction."

Zhang Xiaofan's hands began to move nimbly, massaging away.

Shoulders, lower abdomen, moving downwards...

Zhang Xiaofan's hands seemed to be filled with emotion.

They provided Ye Tongtong with the warmth and comfort she deserved.

Then, Ye Tongtong closed her eyes, feeling pleased yet ashamed about her thoughts.

Because in her opinion, Zhang Xiaofan was her best friend Li Tingting's future man.