Chapter 174 He Will Have No Chance

Lei Pingzhi's entire body trembled, his pupils dilating widely as the muscles along his jaw tensed up, visibly twitching.

Those scoundrels from Ghosts Be Sorrowful were the ones he had hunted down specifically to deal with Zhang Xiaofan.

Today, at the hotel banquet, Lei Pingzhi had also attended and he spotted Zhang Xiaofan.

But what he hadn't expected was that Zhang Xiaofan actually knew the divine doctor Miao! And was even his benefactor.

This gave Lei Pingzhi some reservations.

His family's Lei Star Real Estate relied heavily on the support from some big leaders in the county for better development.

If he offended Zhang Xiaofan, that meant offending the divine doctor Miao, and offending divine doctor Miao meant spurning the big leaders in the county.

The fate of Lei Star Real Estate in FY County was then not hard to imagine.

But the proud-natured Lei Pingzhi couldn't stand it.

The scene of being beaten by Zhang Xiaofan in the hotel that day was still vivid in his mind.