Chapter 178 Searching for Xuantie Silver Needle

"What is Extreme Cold Qi poisoning?"

Hua Ling asked.

Zhang Xiaofan said, "Extreme Cold Qi poisoning is when the Extreme Cold Qi enters the body."

"It's not enough for just the Extreme Cold Qi to enter the body; one must also consume something extremely cold at the same time."

"From outside and inside, Extreme Cold Qi poisoning is formed."

"The Kunlun Mountains, although I haven't been there, are covered with ice and snow all year round and are exceptionally cold."

"That place is very likely to have an area of extreme cold, and where there is extreme cold, there could also exist things of extreme cold."

"Therefore, I speculate that Mrs. Hua likely absorbed Extreme Cold Qi into her body while touring the Kunlun Mountains, combined with consuming something extremely cold."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Miao Zhengdong stroked his beard and said, "I've heard of Extreme Cold Qi poisoning before, but I never thought it truly existed."