Chapter 190 I've Heard This Too Many Times

In front of a six-story building.

Zhang Xiaofan brought his tricycle to a stop.

A few Mercedes-Benzes and BMWs were parked nearby.

The Parrot Self-Media Company was located here.

It was now evening, and the main gate was already closed.

But, lights were on on the sixth floor.

Zhang Xiaofan walked towards the tightly shut gate.

"Stop right there!"

Two men with cigarettes dangling from their mouths emerged from the sides of the building.

Bathed in the street lights, Zhang Xiaofan got a clear view of their appearance.

Slouched backs, and shady demeanors.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Do you know where you are?"

"Beat it now, or I'll break your damn legs!"

The man with a scar at the corner of his mouth pointed at Zhang Xiaofan with his cigarette-holding hand, barking angrily.

"I'm looking for someone," Zhang Xiaofan replied indifferently.

"Looking for your granddad, daring to come to this place to find someone."