Chapter 207: The Country Doctor?

Miao Yuchen drove to Renmin Hospital and, after parking her car, rushed towards the emergency room.

It seemed like she had forgotten about Zhang Xiaofan trailing behind her.

However, Miao Yuchen's attitude was something Zhang Xiaofan could affirm.

That earnest desire to save lives, that expression—Zhang Xiaofan saw it all.

Healing the wounded and rescuing the dying is the duty of a doctor.

Zhang Xiaofan also got out of the car and walked towards the emergency room.

About a dozen injured people covered in blood were rushed into the emergency room.

The doctors and nurses of the emergency department were busy but organized.

"Dr. Miao! This patient might have a cerebral hemorrhage."

"Immediately prioritize treatment and call over Director Wang from surgery!"


A minute later, a middle-aged doctor with glasses hurried over.

"Conduct a head examination on the patient right away."

The elderly patient was wheeled into the examination room by the nurses.