Chapter 221: Follow the Vine and Crush in One Fell Swoop

"Stop hitting me, I beg you,"

the middle-aged man in Daoist robe pleaded.

"Who did you just say is behind all this?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked with a cold voice.

"It's Leopard Brother."

"He controls all the sorcerers and witches in FY County."

"Every month we have to regularly hand over a sum of money to him."

"If we don't pay, not only can we not continue as sorcerers and witches, our future lives will be anything but peaceful."

"But in the past two months, his appetite has grown bigger, and he's demanding more money."

"If it's just the usual small-time swindles, that money won't be enough to pay him."

"I had no choice but to scam on a larger scale,"

the middle-aged man in Daoist robe explained.

"Who is this Leopard Brother?"

Zhang Xiaofan inquired.

"I don't know; I've never seen him. I only know he's called Leopard Brother,"

the middle-aged man in Daoist robe answered truthfully.

"How do you get in touch with each other?"