Chapter 236 The Blind Cat Meets a Dead Mouse?


Li Peishan placed the utmost trust in Zhang Xiaofan.

With this instance, Zhang Xiaofan had already saved her twice.

Had it not been for Zhang Xiaofan, she, Li Peishan, would have long departed from this world.

Furthermore, the various skills Zhang Xiaofan had displayed

left Li Peishan not only surprised but also shocked.

Unfathomably deep? Exceptional medical skills?

These thoughts were buried in Li Peishan's heart.

Upon hearing Li Peishan say such things, the silver-haired veteran doctor of Chinese medicine showed a displeased expression.

He knew who Li Peishan was; although she may not be a very famous figure in FY County, she was undoubtedly a respectable entrepreneur, a town's wealthiest individual, a person of wealth.

In this county's hospital of Chinese medicine, he, the most prestigious elderly doctor, still had to give her a fair amount of respect.

"President Li, practicing medicine isn't like eating, where the younger you are, the more you can eat,"