Chapter 5: The Still-Charming Aunt

At the dinner table, Jiang Li looked like she had a lot on her mind.

Ever since Yupan left, Erniu noticed that his sister-in-law had become sullen, deep in thought about who knows what.

"Sister-in-law, have some vegetables," Erniu chuckled foolishly, adding more meat to Jiang Li's bowl.

But Jiang Li had little appetite, pondering over and over before putting down her chopsticks, "Erniu, I don't think this is a solution. Why don't you go and stay with your uncle for a while to avoid the trouble? Otherwise, I'm afraid that girl from the Zhang family won't let you off easily."

"Ah? Why is that, sister-in-law?"

Erniu didn't understand. It was just a woman; why the need to avoid her so much?

Jiang Li sighed, "That Yupan might just be a widow, but she's the Zhang family's daughter. Not only is the Zhang Family well-off, but they're also known in Taohua Village for being unruly, and I hear they keep a bunch of men around. What if they come and take you away?"

The Zhang family cherished that only daughter so much that they had even found her seven husbands.

Now it seemed Yupan would certainly not let things rest, and for the sake of their daughter's future, the Zhang family wouldn't let Erniu off the hook either. So, the only option was to lay low for a while.

"I'm not scared, I just want to stay with sister-in-law."

Now that he had the Dragon Ball to protect him, Erniu wasn't afraid of anyone causing him trouble.

Besides, he remembered when he was still considered a fool; his uncle had never treated him well, even drooling over Jiang Li's figure right in front of him. Thinking about it still made Erniu furious; he had no intention of going there.

"Erniu, listen to me," Jiang Li frowned, feigning anger, "It's not like you can't come back. I'll always be here. When Yupan calms down, I'll let you know so you can come back."

"Sister-in-law, I..."

"Let's settle this matter. Eat up, let's not talk about it anymore. You'll go to your uncle's place later in the evening."

Erniu had no other choice but to agree, fearing that his sister-in-law would be unhappy.


Having packed a few clothes, Erniu set out for his cousin's house in the village.

Erniu's cousin, Wang Defa, had reportedly made a good sum of money in the black market trading medicines when he was young, and upon returning to the village, he had built a three-story villa at the edge and married a good-looking wife.

Because he had some money, Wang Defa had never looked kindly upon Erniu's family. When Erniu was still considered a fool, Wang Defa would even use Erniu as free labor, giving him all the tough and tiring jobs.

If it weren't for his promise to his sister-in-law, Erniu would never have wanted to come back to Wang Defa's place.

Soon, Erniu arrived at Wang Defa's front door.

The gate was shut tight, Erniu thought the house might be empty so he went to the window to see what was going on, and the sight that greeted him got his blood rushing, leaving him completely dumbfounded.

He saw two fair, shapely legs kicking in front of him, a woman pinned on the couch with her eyes tightly shut, face flushed.

Looking closely, Erniu recognized it was Aunt Zhou Guihua!

Although Zhou Guihua was already in her forties, she had a voluptuous figure, and a beautiful smile that curled enchantingly, exuding mature charm. Many men in the village envied Wang Defa for having such a gem.

And Zhou Guihua was always kind to Erniu. Whenever he came to Wang Defa's to do the hard work, Zhou Guihua would make something delicious for him as a treat and spoke softly to him, which was why Erniu was especially fond of her.

The heavy breathing sounds leaked through the ill-closed window, and Erniu heard every bit of it.

A scene Erniu had only imagined was now happening before his very eyes.

Wang Defa, clenching his teeth and with a fierce expression, lifted Guihua's legs but couldn't maintain his ferocity for more than a couple of minutes before his movements began to slow, "Heh... Heh... I can't... I'm a bit tired today, let me rest for a bit!"

"You're tired after not even five minutes? You're such a wimp!" Guihua frowned displeasedly, and with one kick, she sent Wang Defa tumbling off the couch. His face turned red with embarrassment, he wanted to react but couldn't form words.

Thud, thud!

Just then, Wang Defa suddenly heard knocking on the door, and he hurriedly grabbed his pants and pulled them on, "Someone's here, hurry, get dressed! Be careful not to be seen!"

"What's the rush? I'm not afraid of being seen!" Guihua retorted with a cold snort, leisurely picking up her clothes and going back into the room.

"Coming, coming!" Wang Defa fastened his buttons and hastily opened the door, only to find Erniu standing there. Wang Defa immediately frowned, "Erniu? What are you doing here?"

"Heh heh, Uncle De... my sister-in-law said I should stay with you for a while."

Erniu chuckled awkwardly and scratched his head, looking a bit embarrassed.

Though he didn't like his uncle, under someone else's roof, one must bow their head, he thought, so he still needed to play the part.

Wang Defa, visibly displeased by the conversation, shoved Erniu, trying to hustle him out, "Why did your sister-in-law send you to my house to stay? It makes more sense for her to come stay! I don't have spare rooms for you, off you go, go go go!"

"Oh, isn't that Erniu? Wang Defa, why are you in such a hurry to drive the kid away?"

Just then, Zhou Guihua also emerged, having changed her clothes.

At that moment, a blush still colored Zhou Guihua's pretty face, and beneath her sheer black silk nightgown, a hint of her delicate white skin played peekaboo. The fullness of her curves nearly burst forth, making Erniu involuntarily swallow.

The fragrance that wafted over was truly refreshing.

Erniu still remembered the time when Zhou Guihua didn't shut the bathroom door and he caught a full glimpse of her voluptuous body—a sight he hadn't been able to shake since. However, Zhou Guihua hadn't been shy about it and even giggled, inviting Erniu to join her for a bath.

If it hadn't been for the fear of Wang Defa suddenly returning home, Erniu likely would have already savored the pleasure.

"Why are you coming out dressed like this? What an embarrassment!"

Seeing his wife dressed so provocatively, Wang Defa chided her in a low voice.

However, Zhou Guihua simply rolled her eyes at him, clearly dissatisfied with the few minutes of Wang Defa's earlier performance, "What's there to worry about? Let him look. You're going to be petty with Erniu? He doesn't understand any of that stuff."

Erniu flashed an awkward smile but said nothing.

Wang Defa was about to blow his top when Aunt Guihua quickly stepped forward and grabbed Erniu's hand, "Erniu, what brings you to our home all of a sudden? I haven't seen you in a while, and you seem to have gotten more robust!"

"Young guys have it good, not like your uncle, no energy for work at all!"

Zhou Guihua glanced at Wang Defa with a suggestive look.

Enviously, Wang Defa watched from the sidelines. What a waste of a good body on this simpleton; if he were that strong, he'd have had his way with the village women by now, rather than being unable to even handle his own wife.

Erniu didn't hold back; he simply said he got entangled with a woman and came to hide out for a while, planning to leave after a few days.

Upon hearing this, Wang Defa laughed derisively, "You're such a fool, turning away a woman who throws herself at you, how stupid! But I guess that girl must be a fool too, to fancy someone like you."

"What are you saying, Wang Defa." Zhou Guihua glared at him.

"Don't mind your uncle's nonsense. Stay with us; we have plenty of rooms. Stay as long as you want!"

"Heh, thanks, Aunt Guihua!" Erniu grinned honestly.

"Come in, have a seat. Your aunt just made some soup. You haven't had your lunch yet, right? I'll get you some soup to drink!" Zhou Guihua hurried to the kitchen to bring out the soup, her enthusiasm making Erniu a bit uncomfortable.

No sooner had Erniu sat down than Zhou Guihua served him a full bowl of soup.

"Here, Erniu, have more. This soup is really nourishing."

Erniu lifted the bowl and took a sip, only to find the taste a bit off, "Aunt, what... what kind of soup is this?"

"Bullwhip soup, haven't tried it before, right? It was originally for your uncle, but there's so much left, help your aunt finish it!" Zhou Guihua chuckled, insisting Erniu take his time since there was plenty in the pot.

Wang Defa, sitting on the sofa and smoking, snorted coldly, "Without a wife, let's see if you'll be able to endure tonight."

"Would you die if you didn't talk, Wang Defa? Quit your nonsense. Erniu is a young man; he needs nourishment!" Zhou Guihua pointed at Wang Defa and scolded him before turning to Erniu and saying, "Don't pay him any mind, Erniu. Drink up!"

Left with no choice, Erniu faced the tough task of finishing a large bowl of bullwhip soup.

In the dead of night.

After drinking the bullwhip soup, Erniu didn't stop feeling restless the entire night.

His body was already troubled by the Dragon Ball within, and now, after such a nourishing soup, it was downright torturous!

Unable to sleep, Erniu took a cold shower before returning to his room, but just as he lay down, the door creaked open.

The lights were off in the room, and a dark figure stealthily pushed the door and entered.