Chapter 28: Walls Have Ears

"Erniu bro, you're so impressive, just like that, in a couple of moves, you subdued that cheap woman. She must be so angry she could die!"

After Zhou Jiaojiao left, Erniu and his wife started drinking sorghum liquor in the room, and Yupan nearly worshipped her husband to death as she listened to Erniu recount how he had dealt with the willful Zhou Jiaojiao just now.

Especially when she thought back to Zhou Jiaojiao's eyes red with rage, storming out the door, her heart felt so immensely satisfied.

Indeed, only by letting Erniu step in could things get done right!

"That's just a trivial matter. A girl who doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, I can handle her with ease," Erniu said.

Erniu's words were no idle boast. Now that he had the Dragon God Formula, he could have as many women as he wanted; how could the likes of little Zhou Jiaojiao escape from the palm of his hand?