Chapter 174: The Truth Behind the Miscarriage

"Slap… slap… slap!"

In the time that followed, the house echoed with the sound of exceedingly loud slaps.

At this moment, Li Wei and the others had their faces slapped to a fiery red by Chen Mei, with even the corners of their mouths oozing blood.

Yet even so, Erniu simply would not let Chen Mei stop her hand; he was intent on seeing when these people would finally admit their wrongdoings!

Just then, Li Shuangshuang couldn't hold on any longer, with both sides of her face swollen red from Chen Mei's slaps, she could only cry out, "Mom! I was wrong, please don't hit me anymore, it was my fault, I should not have treated you like that!"

"I really know I was wrong, please spare me! If you hit me again, I might die!"

"Mom, me too, please don't hit anymore, if you keep hitting me, you'll end up without a son, I promise, from now on we will definitely treat you well!" Li Yishan followed, pleading and crying pitifully.