Chapter 179: Erniu's Warmth

Seeing Chen Mei's shy and hesitant appearance, Erniu couldn't help but feel his heart stir in response.

"Auntie," he urged, "it's better to take it off than to keep wearing it like this. Not to mention that you'll catch a cold when you go back, but with how wet you are right now, I'm afraid you can't go back up the mountain for the offering."

"Besides, it's not like I haven't seen you without your coat before, why do you still mind this time?"

"This... That's also true..."

Chen Mei was swayed by Erniu's words and looked down at her indiscreet appearance.

Chen Mei always kept her offering days on the mountain unchanging, and as a devotee of the Xuanyuan Family, she naturally regarded this matter more seriously than anything else.

Moreover, what Erniu said was the truth.

That she had been seen by Erniu planting rice in the fields in a bikini had already happened; why bother being modest this time.

And Erniu was also suggesting this out of kindness.