Chapter 239: Tracing the Small Town

The car entered Almos Town from the outskirts.

Although, inside the town, not a single decent house could be seen.

However, the people living in the innermost part of the town clearly had it much better than those on the periphery.

The residents here, adults and children alike, weren't as sallow and skinny as those on the outskirts.

And they were all clothed, even though the garments looked like second-hand clothes from abroad, at least they were decently covered.

Moreover, as the convoy moved inward.

The crowds grew thicker, and one could even spot some shops, as well as people building houses or working.

By the time they reached the center of the town, Erniu got out of the car and saw a trade center.

The trade center was a steel frame shed, much like the agricultural markets back home.

It was quite bustling inside, and one could even spot people from other countries at the market.

However, without exception!