Chapter 254: Case Details

Erniu saw that the uniformed beauty didn't respond to his plea.

Instead, she was giving him a look that was both ambiguous and admiring.

Erniu felt a little nervous.

Although he considered himself skilled when it came to dealing with women.

He had no intention of locking eyes with the uniformed beauty before him.

Moreover, after the beverage factory in Canglong Village had opened, he, as a stakeholder, had become a somewhat well-known entrepreneur in the area.

If anything were to happen with the uniformed beauty right now, he was afraid she would have him completely under her control afterward.

If he really got together with her and then went out to fool around, causing some kind of trouble.

He was afraid that his business would suffer, and the women working in the factory wouldn't be able to live either.

Thinking of these things.

Erniu had no intention of flirting deliberately.