Chapter 268: Looking for a Place

The wily snake took Erniu with him on the way to his rival's, also giving Erniu a run-down of the basic situation of his enemy.

His rival goes by the nickname "Mad Dog."

Because most of the good territories in the entire town were in the hands of the wily snake.

Mad Dog was cornered, forced to hole up in the old district of West City.

The old district's farmers market.

That place serves as a farmers market in the morning.

Come nightfall, it transforms into a night market.

Surrounding it are a few bars, two internet cafes, and foot massage parlors and the like.

Since the environment here was rather poor, the wily snake previously had no interest in it.

When the wily snake took Erniu to that farmers market, he found that it was far from quiet at night.

The place was alight with bustling nightlife, dense with late-night snack vendors, and the sounds of laughter, curses, and foul language from inside the bars and internet cafes spilled out every now and then.