Chapter 349: Finding Something to Do

Erniu and the three sisters had a big fight.

Dong Li, Zhang Nala, and Zhou Meiling hadn't gotten much rest.

By noon, dragging their weary bodies, they went to discuss Erniu and Lan Shasha's wedding with the other sisters.

Around three o'clock that afternoon.

The women of the household all started to get busy.

They even began preparing items and decorating the bridal chamber.

The women were even more enthusiastic and meticulous than Erniu, the groom-to-be.

Even the drink factory was temporarily shut down, and the black and white women Erniu had rescued from Uganda, under Dong Li's arrangement, came to Erniu's house to decorate the bridal room with colorful lights and decorations.

Erniu, seeing that they were all women and considering the danger of climbing high and walking low.

Plus, since the wedding was his own affair, he planned to go over and help personally.

But when he was about to step forward and lend a hand,