Chapter 829: Your House Is Really Nice

As they walked and talked, Chu Dazhuang also got to know a bit about Jenny after a while.

This woman, like Yang Mi, worked in the entertainment industry in America, but Jenny, unlike Yang Mi who owned an entertainment company, worked as an agent at one. She had some business dealings with Yang Mi before.

Chu Dazhuang wasn't quite sure about the American way of interacting, but he still started chatting with a friendly smile. After the pleasantries, he realized that Jenny was somewhat different from what he had imagined.

Jenny was relaxed and natural, exuding confidence and positivity with every move, like a born entertainer. After their conversation, Chu Dazhuang found that any previous preconceptions had vanished and he felt much more at ease, realizing that he himself seemed a bit stuffy by comparison.

"Come on, get in the car."

Jenny said with a cheerful voice, then led Chu Dazhuang to the parking lot.

"Yang Mi made it sound so urgent, I should have prepared a bit better."