Chapter 182: 100000000 Points

Chen Yu suddenly realized something. By refusing Bell's request to poison earlier, he had indirectly saved over ten thousand lives.

"So that counts too!"

With a small surge of excitement in his heart, he called people over to start preparing meals.

Since last night, his total points had accumulated close to ninety-six million.

Just four million more, and he would reach a hundred million points.

But time was of the essence, and unless he could perform two high-difficulty surgeries, there was no way he could accumulate enough points in such a short time.

Just then, a violent explosion suddenly erupted, and the mine area plunged into chaos.

Immediately after, two people rushed to Chen Yu in haste.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Bell has had an accident! Please, come right away."

Chen Yu instantly became excited, judging from the situation it seemed Bell had been seriously injured!

This was clearly a chance for him to earn points.

Without hesitation, he quickly followed the two men.