Chapter 4: Sneaking into Xu Xiulan's Room

Zhao Tiezhu was rendered utterly speechless.

He hadn't desecrated the village chief's ancestral grave, so why did the village chief come after him twice in one night! All his good luck was ruined by the chief!

Wu Liping paid no attention to the deafening roar outside, her eyes fixed intently on Zhao Tiezhu, "Tiezhu, let's ignore that old fart! A guy who can't last even a minute? I'm not serving him! Hehe, I like you Tiezhu, you're so strong and robust!"

Zhao Tiezhu had no intention of dealing with the village chief either and pinned Wu Liping down in the cornfield.

Although Wu Liping was already forty, her skin remained radiant, and true to being a town folk, her skin was so white! She looked as if she were still in her early thirties!

And Wu Liping's hand, it could practically steal Zhao Tiezhu's soul away.

Older women sure are different!

So experienced!

If it were someone else, they would have been defeated long ago!

"Wu Liping, get out here! When I came looking for you earlier, I ran into Old Liu! He said you were here!" The village chief's voice was getting closer.

Zhao Tiezhu was nearly driven mad!

And Wu Liping was so angry she wanted to hit someone!

She cursed, "That damn Old Liu! Wait till I deal with him! Sneaking out for a fling, and we haven't even done anything, he dares to rat me out!"

Zhao Tiezhu quickly got up, "Auntie, you better go back first! We'll do it some other time!"

Wu Liping reluctantly replied, "But Tiezhu, I'm uncomfortable!"

Zhao Tiezhu said, "I'm uncomfortable too! But we can't get caught red-handed by the village chief. He may not dare to do anything to you, but he'll surely kill me!"

"You can't let that old bastard beat you to death! Tiezhu, you go home first! We'll find another time for a proper session," Wu Liping could only say this.

"Alright!" Zhao Tiezhu hurriedly darted through the dark cornfield.

Zhao Tiezhu had just run a short distance when he heard Wu Liping and the village chief cursing at each other; they were both hurling insults. The village chief called Wu Liping shameless, while Wu Liping called the village chief useless.

Zhao Tiezhu sighed and headed home in the darkness.

It was pitch-black at home.

Zhao Tiezhu thought for a moment and then went around to the back of the house to check.

Due to the summer heat, Xu Xiulan's window had a crack open, the kind with old-fashioned door curtains.

Zhao Tiezhu peered inside and, as it was too dark to see clearly, he couldn't tell how many people were there. The family worried Xu Xiulan might sneak someone in, so sometimes her sister-in-law and Xu Qiulan slept with her, and sometimes her mother-in-law did. Not knowing who was there, Zhao Tiezhu didn't dare to make a sound.

After a long while, Zhao Tiezhu finally confirmed there was only Xu Xiulan inside.

He grew bolder.

He lifted the window slightly and climbed inside, then tiptoed to Xu Xiulan's bed and embraced her from behind.

"Eek!" Xu Xiulan was startled.

Zhao Tiezhu quickly covered her mouth, "Sister-in-law, don't make a sound, it's me! Tiezhu!"

Xu Xiulan's heart pounded wildly before she relaxed slightly, her voice carrying a hint of complaint, "Tiezhu, it's you! I was just falling asleep, and you scared me half to death sneaking in like that!"

Zhao Tiezhu chuckled, his hands becoming restless as they dived straight into Xu Xiulan's chest.

Xu Xiulan, stimulated and flushed with heat, melted into Zhao Tiezhu's embrace.

Neither had been satisfied in the bushes earlier that night.

Now, in the middle of the night, when everyone was likely asleep, they could indulge without worry!

"Tiezhu, go bolt the door! Don't let sister-in-law come in for a spot check in the middle of the night!" Xu Xiulan's voice was sultry as she whispered softly.

Zhao Tiezhu, just about to proceed further, thought this made sense and hurried over to bolt the door.

"Sister-in-law, now no one can disturb us! Let's have a good time!" Zhao Tiezhu plunged into the creek, feeling utterly content.

"We... need to be quieter," Xu Xiulan said, feeling her softness being squeezed, her eyes filled with spring passion.

She began to actively respond to Zhao Tiezhu.

Fearing the bed would squeak, Xu Xiulan pulled Zhao Tiezhu to stand up, then she leaned on the wall, pushing back against Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu, with his "Taming Skills" at hand, quickly navigated the great rivers.

Xu Xiulan's eyes were dreamy, one hand covering her mouth to prevent any sound from escaping.

She didn't quite understand.

It had only been a moment since they last met, how had Tiezhu become even more powerful?!


It felt so blissful!

She felt like she was floating on clouds, her body nearly lifting off!

"Tiezhu, I want more! Do it to me again!" Xu Xiulan turned around to face Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu was just as sweet on it.

The feeling of no one interrupting was incredibly gratifying for Zhao Tiezhu!

"Alright! Let's do it again!"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded without hesitation.

Xu Xiulan felt every pore on her body open up, her body getting softer and softer, almost completely merging with Zhao Tiezhu.

Again and again.

When the rooster crowed, Zhao Tiezhu was also exhausted and limp, so he quickly climbed out the window and returned to his own room.

Xu Xiulan lay sprawled on the bed, with only Zhao Tiezhu left in her mind, her face still bearing the look of satisfaction.

Zhao Tiezhu had not slept for long before he was awakened by a torrent of curses from the courtyard.

It was his sister-in-law's screeching voice, making a ruckus at Xu Xiulan's door, scolding about ghosts and middle-of-the-night door bolts!

Groggily woken by the noise, Zhao Tiezhu inwardly cursed, "Damn!"

With his sister-in-law discovering the bolted door, she would certainly stay in his second sister-in-law's room next!

That would make sneaking into the second sister-in-law's room in the middle of the night totally impractical!

Zhao Tiezhu sighed internally. Before he could deal with that screeching voice, he'd have to make do with putting the second sister-in-law aside! As long as he could sort out that screeching voice, getting to the second sister-in-law would definitely not be a problem! But how exactly to sort out this screeching voice, he'd have to think hard!

To avoid his sister-in-law's scolding, Zhao Tiezhu could only climb out the window and go have a look at his own field first.

Just reaching the edge of the village, he overheard a group of people discussing last night's affair between Wu Liping and Old Liu! This morning, Old Liu's wife found out about his affair, and the two of them even fought! It's just that Old Liu's wife, although angry, didn't dare to trouble Wu Liping!

Zhao Tiezhu felt smug.

If these people knew about last night's affair between Wu Liping and himself, there was no telling how it would spread!

Just arriving at the field.

Zhao Tiezhu discovered that the water for his field had been cut off.

Right now was the critical time for watering the seedlings; cutting off the water could lead to a disaster!

Zhao Tiezhu rushed to see who had stopped the water to his field. He hadn't gone far when he saw Liu Lanxiang swinging a hoe, digging into the earth with each strike.

Clearly, she was the culprit!

This Liu Lanxiang was well-known throughout the neighboring villages!

Mainly because her daughters had left the village to attend college and had become students!

Word had it they even signed with some urban company and became minor celebrities!

What exactly they did, he didn't understand.

Zhao Tiezhu went up and kicked her into the ditch.

"Ouch!" Liu Lanxiang fell into the mud, drenched all over, and buttons on her plaid shirt even popped off...