Chapter 12 Bigger

Liu Man's cries were more seductive with each sound, which made Zhao Tiezhu burn with desire.

He was itching to charge into battle right then and there, to give Liu Man a harsh lesson and show her his might!

However, the last shred of reasoning within Zhao Tiezhu told him that it wasn't the time to act yet; he needed to wait a bit longer, at least until he finished massaging Liu Na!

But, his craving for touch had been satisfied!

Liu Man's body started to break out in copious sweat as Zhao Tiezhu's large hand gently kneaded her stomach without pause.

The sweat, like little streams, flowed down in drips and drabs along Liu Man's fair skin.

Liu Na looked curiously at the sweat on her sister's body.

She subconsciously extended her hand and gently touched the sweat.

Immediately, Liu Na couldn't help but exclaim.

"So cold!"

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu's massage also came to an end.

"Yes, of course it's cold, this is the cold energy from both of your bodies, which I have driven out through sweat, though this is just a small part," he explained.

With that, Zhao Tiezhu approached Liu Na.

"Alright, Nana, stop being curious, go lie down on the bed, I'll start treating you in a moment!"

Liu Na obediently nodded her head and started walking towards the bed.

However, she accidentally stepped on the sweat that had dripped from Liu Man.

Instantly, Liu Na cried out in alarm and fell towards Zhao Tiezhu's direction!

Zhao Tiezhu, quick as lightning, reached out and caught Liu Na in his arms!

"Be careful, Nana!"

As he spoke, although Zhao Tiezhu's expression remained unchanged, his heart was already flipping with joy!

Even through the layer of clothing, Zhao Tiezhu still felt the soft and smooth skin of Liu Na!

This made Zhao Tiezhu unable to resist reaching out and firmly kneading her buttocks several times!

In an instant, Liu Na's face turned beet red.

"Tiezhu... Brother Tiezhu, could you please take your hand off my butt."

Seeing Liu Na's embarrassed look,

Zhao Tiezhu not only didn't remove his hand but instead intensified his actions, kneading with both hands!

Liu Na's ample buttocks constantly changed shape under Zhao Tiezhu's hands!

Which caused Liu Na's face to turn redder and redder.

"Brother Tiezhu..."

At this point, Liu Na's voice was barely louder than a mosquito's.

And upon hearing Liu Na's voice, Zhao Tiezhu grew even more excited.

Letting go of her buttocks, his hand climbed to her waist and began to wander.

The feel of Liu Na's waist was utterly different from that of her sister Liu Man.

If Liu Man's touch was firm and smooth, Liu Na's was slightly plump, though she didn't look overweight at all.

Just like that, it didn't take more than a few minutes,

For Liu Na to become so unsteady on her feet that she collapsed weakly into Zhao Tiezhu's embrace.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Zhao Tiezhu's face.

He picked up Liu Na and placed her on the bed.

Then he whispered in Liu Na's ear, "Nana, I'm coming, you'll have to hold on, okay?"

At this time, Liu Na was extremely sensitive.

When Zhao Tiezhu spoke, a warm breath hit Liu Na's ear, causing her to shiver uncontrollably.

At the same time, Zhao Tiezhu's hand also touched a sticky liquid.

After gently pinching the liquid with his fingers, Zhao Tiezhu revealed a satisfied smile and began to massage Liu Na.

However, when massaging Liu Na, Zhao Tiezhu started from the front.

The old routine, as always, started with the arms.

Feeling the smoothness and softness in his hands, Zhao Tiezhu was utterly intoxicated.

He simply couldn't understand how these two sisters were born, their skin so white and tender, touching it was simply irresistible.

Soon, Zhao Tiezhu finished massaging Liu Na's arms.

Then, he reached out to the chandeliers he had longed for and fiercely grabbed Liu Na's two huge chandeliers!

This sudden attack made Liu Na tense up subconsciously, about to cover her bosom.

Zhao Tiezhu only said, "Nana, relax! The real massage is just starting!"

"If you are this tense, it won't have any good effect!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Na reluctantly relaxed, allowing Zhao Tiezhu to make his move on her chandeliers.

Looking at the pair of chandeliers, Zhao Tiezhu was no longer polite and put all his skills to work, beginning to knead the chandeliers!

For a moment, the pair of snow-white, huge chandeliers kept changing shape in his hands, into a variety of forms.

And Liu Na, from initially biting her teeth with a flushed face to keep from making a sound, eventually let go and began to moan softly.

Zhao Tiezhu got even more excited when he heard Liu Na's moans.

Not for anything else, but because he could make this ice queen vocalize, and her moans were so enticing.

Then Zhao Tiezhu put even more effort into it.

Several minutes passed before Zhao Tiezhu, still not quite satisfied, stopped his hands.

Although Zhao Tiezhu wanted to continue, he hadn't forgotten his main task.

At this point, Liu Na was panting heavily and drenched in sweat!

"Tiezhu... brother Tiezhu, your technique is really amazing! I feel so, so comfortable!"

Looking at Liu Na's crimson cheeks, Zhao Tiezhu nodded with satisfaction.

It was worth the effort!

"This is just the beginning, Nana," said Zhao Tiezhu. "There's more massage to come."

Having said this, Zhao Tiezhu's hands reached out to Liu Na's slender legs!

Liu Na's legs were not much different from Liu Man's, the only difference being Liu Na's little feet were far superior to Liu Man's.

Liu Na's little feet were delicate and cute, each toe crystal clear, giving Zhao Tiezhu the urge to hold Liu Na's little foot in his hand for a closer appreciation.

After hesitating for just a few seconds.

Zhao Tiezhu made up his mind.

Why not take advantage of the situation, rather than second-guessing himself, what a bad habit?

So, the next second, Zhao Tiezhu decisively held Liu Na's small foot in his hand and began to play with it carefully!

However, what Zhao Tiezhu didn't know was that Liu Na's small foot was her most sensitive spot!

Within seconds under Zhao Tiezhu's manipulation, Liu Na's meadow was already flooded!

The flowing waters dripped onto the bed, soaking a large area of the sheets.

Meanwhile, Zhao Tiezhu was still engrossed in the joy of playing with Liu Na's little foot!

He was completely oblivious to the flood!

On the contrary, he played with even more vigor, which made Liu Na's flood become greater.